David Cinnater is Bringing Footprints Floors to PA!

David Cinnater is Bringing Footprints Floors to PA!

David Cinnater is Bringing Footprints Floors to PA!

It’s always a thrill when our team here at Footprints Floors gets to welcome yet another friendly face to our growing home improvement franchise.

This month, we are excited to introduce you to David Cinnater, who has decided to bring Footprints Floors to Shawnee On Delaware, Pennsylvania — a lovely area situated just south of the foothills of the beautiful Pocono Mountains.

Before opening a Footprints Floors franchise, David was a stay-at-home dad who owned and operated a 200-seat performing arts venue in Blairstown, New Jersey. The historic theatre brought many world-class concerts and shows to town, giving audiences wonderful memories in an inviting and intimate space. David also worked in the automotive industry for some time, serving in sales positions. 

Knowing that he wanted more flexibility in his schedule and to become his own boss, David began seeking information about franchising opportunities this past spring. “My franchise consultant could not speak highly enough of the Footprints Floors franchise and the model in general,” David says. “Jeff didn’t push it (I had to make my own decision), but you could tell he just had absolute confidence in the business model. He anticipated it would be just a matter of time before the country sold out its franchise territories. I think he’ll be right.”

As David learned more and more about Footprints Floors, he began to feel confident that this was the right franchise for him. When you invest in a Footprints Floors franchise, you join a family that supports you in every way possible. To David, that fact was so encouraging. “There are endless resources available for all Franchise Owners to lean on, plus the whole staff at Footprints Floors is available at all times,” David says. “They want to see us succeed just as much as we want to succeed.”

To gain a better understanding of our business model and the way Footprints Floors franchises around the nation operate, David was invited to attend Discovery Day. During that day, David was introduced to Footprints Floors Founder Bryan Park. “He immediately had that laidback but confident vibe,” David says. “Bryan’s knowledge of owning and operating a very successful service-based flooring business and it’s all about the customers is second to none. There isn’t anything he didn’t go through himself, and he streamlines that success and has you follow the footprints — no pun intended!”

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Discovery Day helped David recognize that opening a Footprints Floors franchise was the best decision he could make for himself and his family. “Discovery Day was quite a jam-packed day,” he says. “Breakfast with the executive staff . . . working job site visits for an experience of what to expect . . . and then the same with sales appointment visits. It was very informative and gave me the belief in Footprints Floors to move forward.” 

If any aspect of the franchise model intimidated David, it involved having to gain the knowledge necessary to operate a successful flooring franchise and determine how he’d find skilled local contractors to perform the installations. All concerns and questions were thoroughly addressed when he spoke to our Franchise Development Director and attended a two-week training session. “The session covered all questions and just about everything flooring-related,” David says. “Two weeks in Denver training with Footprints Floors gets you up and running. The goal is to give Franchise Owners a head start needed to get the business moving in the right direction.” 

The flexibility of owning a Footprints Floors home improvement franchise greatly influenced David’s decision to take the leap of faith. “Footprints Floors is the right fit because it offers some flexibility in scheduling and also leans on my sales experience,” David says. “I have two sons, Cooper and Levi, and Footprints Floors allows me to work around their busy schedules, especially when the school year begins.” 

A devoted father, David wants to set an excellent example for Cooper, 12, and Levi, 11. As a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner, he can show his sons what it means to work in a service-oriented business where people — not profits — come first. “Seeing customers’ satisfaction in the end product is very important to me,” David says.  

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By operating with honesty and integrity, Footprints Floors ensures that our contractors complete quality work for our customers at an affordable price. We’re proud to offer highly competitive pricing thanks to our limited overhead costs. The proven, well-established franchise business model that Bryan Park brought to fruition requires customers to source their flooring. With no showrooms to manage, no rent to pay, and no human resource costs to incur, Footprints Floors Franchise Owners like David can focus on growing their businesses. 

Our incredible management team offers all Franchise Owners a reliable, knowledgeable, and built-in support system. This includes access to our corporate call center, where our dedicated and knowledgeable employees connect with customers to schedule appointments, answer questions, discuss estimates, and more.

David describes the Footprints Floors franchise business model as “highly profitable and easily scalable.” He emphasizes that it’s reassuring that this business offers unlimited growth potential.

We’re grateful that Footprints Floors now exists in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, and are honored to know that he chose us out of all the franchises that David’s franchise consultant discussed with him. If you live near Shawnee in Delaware, call David if you need your floors installed, restored, or refinished.

“Flooring is the main attraction to any room in the home,” David says. “I intend to build a strong, positive, and neighborly presence in the local flooring business.” 

And so his journey begins. As our team here at Footprints Floors likes to say, “Stick to the lit road.” We’re confident that David will do just that, and we wish him all the best with his franchise in Shawnee, Delaware.  

If you or someone you know is interested in following David’s “footprints” and becoming a Franchise Owner, please visit our website to learn more about opening a Footprints Floors franchise in your local territory. You may also give us a call anytime at (720) 501-6730. As David can attest, it’s a fantastic time to join our family and enjoy franchise ownership’s freedoms.

Why an Innovative Franchise Can Thrive in Any Economy: A Q&A with Bryan Park of Footprints Flooring

Why an Innovative Franchise Can Thrive in Any Economy: A Q&A with Bryan Park of Footprints Flooring

Why an Innovative Franchise Can Thrive in Any Economy: A Q&A with Bryan Park of Footprints Flooring

If you possess an entrepreneurial spirit and prefer being your own boss, starting a business when the economy is thriving is something of a no-brainer. But what about investing in a franchise when the economy is more uncertain? With all the news about a recession potentially looming on the horizon, should you wait to take that next step into entrepreneurial freedom until the market stabilizes?

According to Footprints Floors Founder and CEO, Bryan Park, not necessarily. A man who chose to launch his Christian, home-improvement franchise in December of 2008 — arguably the worst month of the Great Recession — Bryan understands the issue better than most.

For some helpful context, at the time Bryan made the decision to build a faith-based business of his own, he, his eight-and-one-half-month-pregnant wife, a 2-year-old toddler, four dogs, and four cats shared the cozy environs of an 800-square-foot-home. What’s more, he’d accrued $40,000 in credit card debt after six months of working without pay. Facing dire circumstances that might deter anyone else, Bryan recognized his pioneering flooring business model’s tremendous potential and jumped into Footprints Floors with both feet.

Fifteen years later Footprints Floors continues to thrive, with more than 100 Christian Franchise territories across the country. Leveraging the lessons he learned to survive a nasty recession, Bryan built a solid, recession-resistant franchise business model, so he knows a thing or two about mitigating risk, minimizing potential losses, and driving Franchise Owner success in any economic environment.

Given his significant expertise, we sat down with Bryan to discuss the recession-resilient blueprint of the unique Footprints Floors franchise model, as well as the flooring industry’s overall performance during times of economic volatility. Here’s what he had to say:

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“Q: As a Franchisor, what are your thoughts on the state of our economy and where it seems to be heading?

A: Bryan Park: “Inflation is real and unemployment issues are also happening, so I think it’s equal parts that and equal parts perception — perception is reality. I believe the general population is reacting adversely to the current economy, looking for hope and reasons to believe that we’ve turned a corner, but I’m not sure we’re there yet.“ With that said, Footprints’ franchise model is uniquely set to weather these kinds of storms. We don’t have brick-and-mortar stores, we don’t have overhead, and we don’t need staff, so we can just rise up and down with the economic tide. But people always need floors. That means we’re a necessity — not a luxury — so it’s not something we fret about.

“In fact, in August of 2022 we set a revenue record and we also hit a record for the most estimates scheduled in a month. That’s significant for us because it’s representative of what the general population is doing. Are they still calling us, or are they shutting down? And we just set a record, so people are still calling.”

Q: Footprints Floors got its start during one of the biggest financial crises in U.S. history, the Great Recession of 2008. Can you tell us  how you found success in a time of serious financial hardship? 

A: Bryan Park: “Since I built the faith-based business during a recession, all of our fundamental, core concepts have been built around that ability to grow and shrink along with the economy. Overhead is so low for our Franchise Owners — the biggest expenses are labor and material per job, but we’re not paying those out unless we’re doing work.”

Q: What do you feel makes Footprints Floors a recession-resilient franchise?

A: Bryan Park: “Not only do we not have overhead as far as locations or staff, but the biggest expenses on our balance sheet are labor paid to the crews and material purchases for jobs. But if there’s no work, there are no expenses. It’s the same for marketing costs, our third biggest expense, which vary as we pay per lead — no leads, no costs. We’re about as bulletproof as it gets.”

“But even beyond our business model, flooring itself — especially residential flooring — is also bulletproof, unlike new home construction and commercial buildings, which tend to be very dependent on the economy. When the economy’s doing well, huge commercial builds go up but then shrink when the economy does, and loans are harder to get. Homeowners, on the other hand, move up into bigger houses when the economy is booming, but when the economy is stagnant, they stay put. That means people update their current homes, so they’re really always updating. Ultimately, we’re not hit that hard.”

Q: We’re still seeing the effects of the Great Resignation. Can you share some success stories of Franchise Owners who quit the corporate grind to follow their business ownership dream?

A: Bryan Park: “I think people are holding onto their jobs because the economic impact of COVID made them nervous about losing their jobs. After the downturn we saw a gigantic uptick in Franchise development growth. As people start getting laid off again, we would expect to see a pretty significant upswing in prospective Franchise Owners. That’s because if they get let go from their job, they have a decision to make: Do they go back to the same thing, sit in a cubicle, and just wait until they get laid off again? Or do they finally take ownership of their career path and invest in a franchise? That’s the dilemma people face, and I think many people choose to invest in themselves and start a business.”

Q: Finally, what should someone considering a Footprints Floors Franchise expect during their first year in business?

A: Bryan Park: “The first year of owning a Footprints Floors franchise is an exciting adventure. It’s like drinking from a water hose — learning an entirely new career, trade, and way of living. Not only are you losing your old salary, but you’re also learning how to live on commission. It’s hard, but you’re really laying the foundation for the future, and I think that’s the attitude people need to come in with. They need to be able to think, ‘It’s going to be a hard year and I’m going to struggle. I’ll have some bad days, and I’m probably going to make less money than I’m used to while working harder than I’m used to, but it’s all for future growth. It’ll all be worth it. I’ve just got to get there.’”

In Closing

Incredibly proud of Footprints Floors’ exponential growth and of Franchise Owner success, Bryan is looking forward to discovering more like-minded individuals eager to expand the Christian franchise’s footprint even farther across the nation.

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Quick Facts about the Flooring Industry

As one of only a handful of industries to thrive throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the home services sector continues to attract interested business investors no matter the state of the economy. The following statistics illustrate the home services market’s strength and resilience:

  • During the third quarter of 2020, the Home Improvement Remodeler Index (RMI) rose to 82, indicating homeowners’ sharp focus on the importance of their homes to support both work and family life during the pandemic.
  • The pandemic also increased the demand for home services, with 76% of respondents to a Statista survey noting that they performed at least one home improvement project in 2020 — 58% of which involved interior renovations.
  • Currently valued at $380 billion, the home improvement industry is expected to reach $454.6 billion by the conclusion of 2023.
  • Approximately 80% of the nation’s 137 million homes are now at least 20 years old and 40% are at least 50 years old. Naturally, older homes require greater remodeling services.
  • Homebuyer spending on home improvements over the past year (2022) was nearly double the median spend for 2021, according to Houzz.

The Bottom Line

There’s simply no such a thing as a “safe” time to invest — in either the stock market or in a franchise. As with most matters of consequence, the decision to become a business owner does carry some degree of risk, as there will always be factors beyond your control. And chief among those influences is the health of the economy, so the decision to wait who knows how long for a market rebound is just as risky. So, would you rather chance missing out on achieving your dream of entrepreneurial freedom for what could be years of hapless waiting? Or would you prefer to invest in a flooring franchise business with a proven record of success and growth during not one but two periods of great economic hardship?

Investing in a Christian franchise like Footprints Floors gives you the potential to fulfill your dream of entrepreneurship without the sky-high investment associated with franchise opportunities in other sectors. With little overhead, no payroll, no costs for equipment or materials, and no need to lease office or warehouse space, you can invest in a Footprints Floors Franchise for as little as $78,505. And given Franchise Owners’ 2022 average gross profit of $247,619 , the potential to realize a quick return on your financial investment is profoundly high.

What’s more, the flooring industry is still RED HOT. As a dragging housing inventory forces more people to buy older homes, the demand for quality floor renovation services will continue to increase. The need for floors will never wane, and homeowners will always look for faith-based companies built on foundations of outstanding customer service, affordability, and quality results. Footprints Floors delivers all three!

Make today the day you turn your dream of entrepreneurship into a reality. Visit the Footprints Floors Franchise website to learn more about this incredible flooring franchise business opportunity.

Footprints Floors: Preparing for Economic Downturn

Footprints Floors: Preparing for Economic Downturn

Footprints Floors: Preparing for Economic Downturn

Yes, a recession seems to be on the way. Or it is already here, depending on who you ask. At Footprints Floors, we are aware that an economic slowdown is coming. And we’re more than prepared for it.

Our market is good, the franchise business model is solid, and we offer outstanding support to our Franchise Owners. We’re digging in for the long haul and are prepared to capitalize when the economy rises again.

Starting with us will set you up for long-term success and financial rewards. That’s because we have an advantage others don’t – experiential knowledge.

Footprints Floors is already twice recession-tested and proven capable of surviving a tough economy that puts other businesses down.
Footprints Floors launched on December 9, 2008 – 9 months after Bear Stearns collapsed.

It was arguably one of the worst months to launch a home improvement business since the Great Depression. Unemployment rates were getting closer to 10%, and Home Foreclosure rates were up 84% in a year!

Yet, Faith-Based Franchise Founder, Bryan Park, went ahead and launched out of an 800-square-foot home with $40,000 in credit card debt after not being paid for six months, with a wife who was 8 ½ months pregnant, a 2-year-old, four dogs, and a cat.

How’s that for an origin story? Those fateful years drove Bryan to establish a business and franchise model to overcome his many challenges in those early years.

In our opinion, Footprints Floors Franchise is the perfect business to invest in during this market. Here’s why.

Recessions Create New Opportunities for the Right Business

A few economists see recessions as a natural economic wildfire. A recession is part of a natural cycle of destruction and recreation that removes unhealthy and unsound businesses, strengthens the ones that remain, and creates room for new growth. It’s when bloated companies, hiding bad financials and coasting off a dated reputation, get cleared out.

Consumers want the best value for their money. They’re more willing to try new brands with better deals and services. They want to spend their dollars wisely and get good quality. It’s the perfect time to thrive for well-run businesses delivering excellent consumer value.

Let’s be clear; you must build a rock-solid business to launch in a recession, make it through, and then come roaring out of it more vital than ever.

That’s what Footprints Founder Bryan Park did.

But not everyone can do what he did. The latest survival data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that a mere 27.9% of businesses launched in 2008 made it to 2022. And the ones that have lasted certainly aren’t all on our level.

So, what’s the difference? We put it down to operating with a formidable business model, in a recession-resilient industry, with a rapidly growing market.

The Home Services Industry is Recession-Resilient

We always prioritize the basics when things get rough or our wallets feel squeezed. And there’s nothing more essential than having a roof over your head.

Home represents a significant life investment and fulfills one of our most fundamental needs. It brings feelings of security, success, and happiness. The typical American homeowner has a high degree of pride in ownership, which includes taking pride in good home maintenance.

And taking care of home always takes on greater importance when things get rough out in the world. This is why the home services industry is exceptionally recession-resilient, if not recession-proof.

Homeowners who want to sell, refinance, or borrow against their home equity all want to get the most significant valuation possible – and the right renovation project can do just that. Those who want to move but can’t afford a new place often choose to improve their current home. Those who plan to stay put for the long-term usually wish to preserve their home and keep things in good repair, while many who are entering the market look for fixer-upper houses with a better price.

A challenging and competitive housing market means sellers go all out to attract buyers and fetch a reasonable price. Home services like staging, paint, and flooring installations are go-to investments. Home renovation, restoration, and repair businesses are known to withstand economic downturns. This even extends to severe crises and housing market crashes.

Homebuilders and new construction tend to suffer as banks tighten their lending, but homeowners adding equity onto their existing homes is virtually always seen as a good investment.

The home service industry even held up to the Great Recession. Historical data shows that demand for home improvement services remains robust even when home sales are falling. Let’s look into this a little more.

How Home Improvement Has Weathered Past Recessions

We’re not just being optimistic here. Historical data proves this. The 2001 Dot-Com Recession saw owner home improvement spending decline by 4% from its peak to the trough. The tech bubble burst, and 9/11 didn’t have much of an effect on home spending.

So, what about the dreaded 2008 Great Recession? That devastated the residential construction and housing markets.
It was pure carnage. New home builders and construction firms suffered the most. Many were utterly wiped out.

But despite this, the home renovation industry kept ticking along. Yes, there was a sharp initial decline in impact. But home improvement spending made a good comeback and has been steadily rising.

This sector’s strength was seen coming out of the Great Recession. Firms offering niche home renovation services made up 55% of the construction businesses listed on the Inc. 5000 list for 2014.


Mandye Tovias - Pin Ceremony - Footprints Floors Franchise

An Unexpected Pandemic Effect – A Home Improvement Boom

But what about Covid-19? This economic downturn can’t be compared to the Dot Com bubble or 2008’s Great Recession. This time, we have economic anxiety and ongoing health concerns. Many people were reluctant to invite strangers into their homes.

Despite any concerns, COVID-19 has been a boon for home renovations – for both DIY and contracted projects.

Once people were stuck at home with nowhere else to go, they started to look around at their surroundings. If home represents your workplace, gym, recreation center, church, and school, you’re likely to have much higher expectations. And there was plenty of time to get things done.

U.S. Census data from 2020 showed a 22.6% year-over-year sales increase for home centers, hardware stores, garden centers, and building materials suppliers. And that year’s Home Projects Council survey found that home project improvement intent was up from before the pandemic in 2019.

This trend started immediately. A consumer study of 600 homeowners found that 57% completed a home renovation project during March, April, and May 2020. 66.9% of those homeowners cited time at home as the biggest reason for getting a project in.

Extended time at home created a sharp awareness of what could be improved while giving them little reason to put a project off.

And the trend continued. Americans officially had the home renovation bug. One mid-2020 homeowner study found that 76% of homeowners had completed a major project since the pandemic started. And 78% planned to get something done over the next year.

A Statista report confirmed this, finding that 76% of respondents performed at least one home improvement project during 2020 – with 58% of those being interior renovations.

The entire year turned into a veritable renovation fest. By the third quarter of 2020, the Home Improvement Remodeling Market Index (RMI) surged to a robust 82. A score this high indicates strong market confidence in the residential remodeling sector.

Demand was high, with Americans readily coming up with the money to fund their projects. National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Remodelers Chair Tom Ashley, Jr., CAPS, CGP, GCR, said, “with refinancing activity surging, homeowners are investing in their homes, which is sustaining strong demand for remodeling.”

Home has taken on more importance amid the pandemic and its consequences. It’s now the center stage for our work, life, and recreation.

Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) thoroughly analyzed 2020’s housing sector and economics. JCHS found that the economy shrank by 3.5% in 2020. At the same time, home improvements and repair spending rose by 3% to almost $420 billion. The companies that did the best were specialty trade contractors and interior projects.

All market segments were represented – low, medium, and high-budget projects. The study concluded by noting that there’s strong demand despite economic uncertainty.

But what about 2021, those supply chain issues, higher prices, and the strained labor market?

2021 rolled around with the average American having started at least two home improvement projects since COVID’s onset.

There were quite a few economic upsets due to supply chain issues, looming inflation, and a strained labor market. However, the home renovation market’s unique driving factors haven’t disappeared. Home projects were still in demand, showing consistent and good spending despite supply chain delays and inflation.

Sure, there were challenges, and the novelty of being at home had worn off. But homeowners still saw the value of investing in their properties.

The Remodeling Market Index for 2021 saw strong demand throughout the entire year. That year, popular projects included home offices and flex spaces, along with a hint of something new.

NAHB chair Steve Cunningham expects those trends to continue and saw a multi-generational renovations trend beginning. This reflects the direction of more adult millennials living in multi-generational home arrangements.

It’s an upcoming trend that’s likely to see more excellent, more upscale finishes throughout a home, intended to cater to adult tastes.

2022’s Outlook and Beyond

Alright, so how are things looking in 2022? Homeowner spending is back on the rise, and the year started beautifully.

Harvard JCHS noted that homeowner improvement and repair spending surged again, with an 11% jump in homeowner expenditures within the first quarter of 2022.

LightStream, an online consumer lender, ran an annual home improvement trends survey and found that home renovation spending is rising from 2021. More homeowners are planning renovation projects and want to get real work done.

LightStream’s research determined that this year’s projects are focused on long-term investments. Homeowners want more functionality and liveable value from their homes. Projects like home additions, basement finishes, and attic renovations are rising.

NAHB’s RMI 2022 first-quarter report came in at a strong score of 86 – showing consistently high spending and the expected growth rates, which translated into healthy market confidence.

But what about inflation? And those rising prices?

Houzz surveyed 67,554 users, finding that homeowners were spending 50% more on home renovations than they did in 2018. A complete 55% of homeowner respondents were planning to renovate in 2022. Those with deeper pockets were spending more as big-budget renovations increased from 60,000 in 2021 to $75,000 in 2022.

Recent homebuyers spent double the national median on home renovations – an average of $30,000 versus $18,000 for all homeowners. This is a significant trend, considering the upcoming demographic advantage.

Interestingly enough, much of this spending has been driven by millennials. In 2020, the Bank of America found that millennials had spent the most on home improvement since the pandemic.

It turns out that many millennial homeowners are living in older homes that need some work done. The bank believes this signifies the beginning of “a wave of renovation activity by a generation that has been relatively slow to enter the housing market.”

And that’s fantastic news for Footprints Floors home improvement franchise.


Millennials and Middle-Aged Homes

The Upcoming Demographic Advantage – Millennials and Middle-Aged Homes

Millennials have long wanted to enter the market but have been priced out. But they’re finally entering the housing market en masse. And the typical millennial buys an older home in need of repairs. This is due to a couple of factors.

One is that housing inventory is low. We’ll touch on that more in the following section, but to sum it up, wealthier baby boomers are choosing to age in their homes, and home building is low – especially for more affordable, entry-level housing. MarketWatch notes that home builders have focused on the upper-end market post-Great Recession.

The second is that millennials seem to prefer a project simply. Millennial homebuyers have been dubbed “the renovation generation.” HomeAdvisor research found that millennials are highly active renovators who spend more on home improvement than any other demographic.

Its 2020 report calculated that Millennials spent an average of $9,206, whereas all generations spent $8,305. Millennial spending on home improvement services doubled year-over-year, while boomer spending only rose by 20%. In 2019, millennials spent 60% more on home improvement and did 30% more projects.

Home Advisor specifies four reasons for that:

  • “Recent homebuying activity and the desire for customization following a move”
  • “Buying older homes in need of work closer to city centers.”
  • “Buying older homes or homes that need more work due to the rising prices of homes.”
  • “Desire for customization and personalized spaces”

Interestingly, many millennials prefer to remain in their homes for extended periods once they become homeowners. Those with growing families choose to remodel their existing homes rather than purchase larger ones.

The trend of millennials buying older homes closer to city centers is supported by Harvard’s JCHS, which projects that America’s largest metropolitan areas will accelerate homeowner renovations during 2022. It tracked 48 major urban areas and found a growth in average annual home improvement spending of 13.8%. Twenty metros are expected to see a growth of 14% or more, while six will see spending growth of 17%.

Pre-pandemic, younger homeowners were already spending heavily on home improvement services. LightStream’s 2020 Home Improvement Trends Study found that 92% of millennials were already planning to renovate in 2020. That was versus 77% of all respondents. The average homeowner was planning to spend $11,473 on renovations (up 27% from the prior year), with millennials planning to spend an average of $13,838.

The JCHS 2019 report noted this shift in demographics. This demographic alone will drive billions in home improvement spending in the coming years as their incomes are rising and they’re finally starting to build home equity.

At least 8.3 million first-time home buyers will enter the home market between 2020 and 2022.

The younger Generation Z also shows a high demand for homeownership. The ones with great jobs or access to family cash are moving into the market.

The home renovation spending demographics are looking good for at least the next ten years. Angi’s Economy of Everything Home 2022 report pointed out that over the next decade, 43.5 million people will turn 30 and transition into family formation and early career growth, 45.2 million people will turn 40 and transition into their peak earning years, and 28.9 million people will turn 80 and begin to renovate to age in place.

And we have the demographics, or rather the statistics, of America’s housing stock in our favor.


Limited, Middle-Aged, and Aging Housing

Now let’s talk about America’s housing supply. The nation’s housing stock is limited and aging. This factor alone is boosting home renovation projects.

JCHS data from 2019 showed that around 80% of America’s then 137 million homes were at least 20 years old. And 40% were at least 50 years old.

Today, the average age of an owner-occupied home is 40 years old. Back in 2005, it was 31. As it turns out, the nation’s median house age has increased since the Great Recession.

Here are a few stats, courtesy of the National Association of Realtors:

  • In 2021, the average purchased home was 28 years old
  • In 2011, the standard purchased home was 11 years old
  • In 2021, 85% of homebuyers bought an existing home while only 15% bought a new home
  • In 2003, around 28% of homebuyers purchased new homes
  • The housing supply is short 6.8 million units
  • 23% of homebuyers compromised on the home’s condition in exchange for affordability, location, and size

Let’s sum it up. America’s homes are old and limited. More homebuyers are going for already-built homes than new builds. Millennials are moving into the market and having to do with what’s available and in their budgets. And the younger the buyer, the older the home.

A nation filled with older homes is a nation filled with renovations and remodeling. So, this is already a boon for the home services industry. It’s no wonder the Remodeling Remarket Index reports high levels of remodeler confidence. The latest data shows remodeler confidence in current market conditions at 83%. (86% were confident in the market for projects under $20,000, 84% were satisfied with projects between $20,000 to $50,000, and 79% were secure in the market for renovation projects above $50,000.)

It’s no wonder the Remodeling Remarket Index reports high levels of remodeler confidence. The latest data shows remodeler confidence in current market conditions at 83%. (86% were confident in the market for projects under $20,000, 84% were satisfied with projects between $20,000 to $50,000, and 79% were confident in the market for renovation projects above $50,000.)

And there’s another factor to consider – the newly middle-aged homes. The NKBA (National Kitchen & Bath Association) notes that houses between 20 and 39 years old are prime remodeling prospects. There was a consistent number of around 22 million American homes in this age range for 6 or 7 years leading up to 2021.

But, we’re now moving into a few years of growth in this segment. This segment is projected to increase to 25.2 million homes in 2025 steadily.

The NKBA estimates that an extra 2.7 million homes in the prime remodeling category can further soften the effects of an economic downturn. These middle-aged homes typically see 15% to 24% more remodels than average.

Time for another mini recap. We have an abundance of old homes with existing, wealthier homeowners choosing to stay in them, and younger homeowners starting to buy in – and eager to renovate. Plus, we’re entering a few years with a rising number of middle-aged homes right in the renovation sweet spot.

But what about the possibility of new homes? Is there a chance that new home builders will swoop in to save the day? Well, home builders already prefer to take their chances on higher-priced builds that millennials and younger buyers can’t afford.

The prospect of an economic downturn makes it even less likely that builders will surge into the affordable housing market at levels enough to put a real dent in things.

Builders are not rushing in to save the day! As it turns out, builder confidence is already down. June 2022 data from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI) shows builder confidence in the newly built single-family home market, making its sixth monthly decline. As always, the entry-level market is more affected by more significant decreases in affordable housing.

Builders are more cautious due to higher mortgage rates softening demand. The housing market is slowing due to high inflation and slower economic growth. So, it does seem likely that the housing stock will remain low.

After all, remember what happened to construction financing during the Great Recession? Banks that survived tightened up on new construction loans or refused to lend, which seriously dampened new home builds to the point of putting many builders out of business.

The new home building market will be further suppressed if that happens again. It’s already happened to some degree.

Housing construction took a direct hit when pandemic restrictions forced builders to shut their work down. The bankers responded early on with more caution and loan scrutiny. The slowdown and tightening in loans are expected to intensify throughout the downturn.

The only thing remaining strong is the sector that made it through the Great Recession – homeowner remodeling and renovations.

You Can Enter the Perfect Niche in a Thriving and Resilient Industry

Did you know that home improvement spending has been the fastest growing retail category?

Yup, back in 2019, when many physical stores were closing, spending in this sector grew at almost double the rate of the rest of the retail industry.

The NAHB analyzed Census data on construction spending, which includes new work and home improvements, and found that overall private residential construction spending was up. May of 2022’s spending was $938.2 billion, a slight 0.2% increase from April. This is a 19% year-over-year increase from 2021.

The NAHB attributes much of this gain to improvement spending. It calculated a $354.9 billion seasonally adjusted rate, which was 34.2% higher than in 2021. The overall trend showed a steady and quick growth rebound from July 2020.

We can’t overstate how well the home improvement industry is doing. This is a strong and resilient market segment, with many factors working in its favor. It’s a $380 billion industry expected to reach $454.6 billion by 2023.

Since the pandemic, flooring spending has been at least an 11% bump. Home Advisor’s 2020 report pinpointed installing new flooring as one of the top three home renovation projects.

Footprints Floors represents a one-of-a-kind home improvement franchise opportunity in this massively successful industry and strange time in history. We provide the only services proven to create home equity – hardwood flooring installations and renovations.

Hardwood flooring Renovations create beauty and boost a home’s value enough to deliver a positive return on investment. That holds excellent sales appeal.

As the number of homebuyers continues to surge, easily outpacing the number of new homes built, more customers are looking for ways to renovate their older homes. Our focus on this niche service gives customers the same pride in owning like-new, beautiful floors.

Footprints Floors appeals to homeowners on multiple levels. Wood floors are great long-term value, reflect classic and universal tastes, and we can install them at cost-conscious prices. We have found that, on average, Footprints Floors can complete a flooring installation for 20% less than other companies.

Let’s dive into those numbers.

Why Footprints Floors is the Right Investment

Footprints Floors is an affordable investment in a turnkey business with low overhead expenses and plenty of support. An investment positions you in the sweet spot of the home services niche.

But why Footprints and not some other flooring franchise? That comes down to our low financial investment and unique franchise business model.

The Footprints Floors Investment

Why don’t we just tell you our total financial investment to get in, train, set up, and start running? It ranges from a low of $78,585 to a max of $113,030 – total!

That’s a far lower financial investment than other mainstream flooring franchises available today.

You don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s how some of our “competitors” stack up.

  • The average flooring franchise financial investment is $201,807.
  • The most expensive flooring franchise is $819,724.
  • Only six flooring franchises have an initial financial investment lower than $151,335.
  • Floor Coverings International has a much higher startup cost of $161,400 to $230,100.

And the price isn’t the only thing. Many of these options have Franchise Owners doing the lion’s share of the work, which includes getting locked into real estate leases, dealing with inventory, and hiring multiple employees.

That’s not how Footprints Floors operates.

The Footprints Floors Franchise Business Model

Footprints Floors is a home-based, Christian Franchise – with no real estate, inventory, or hiring overhead. That immediately cuts your risks, initial financial investment, and running costs.

You don’t have to worry about lease complications, monthly rent, or a buildout. There are zero hiring costs or human resource (HR) issues to deal with. There’s no inventory to buy and store or tote around. And all the labor is completed by 10-99 contractors and subcontractors.

Are you starting to feel our difference? And why this wood flooring franchise business opportunity is such an attractive investment even with the current economic climate?

We start our Franchise Owners with an advantage from day one, thanks to our unique business model. The business runs lean, and the margins are incredibly attractive.

Now, here’s how the business runs on a day-to-day basis. Footprints Floors offers world-class support and training that starts before you launch the company and goes the distance with you.

We take care of your marketing and lead generation! We handle your call center and customer support. We even help you schedule appointments! You’re never left alone to make a go of it on your own.

That’s probably why many of our Franchise Owners sign up for second and third territories, and sometimes more!

This flooring company is more like a family business than a typical franchise. Our Founder cares deeply about the success of the company he started and the legacy it’s creating. Bryan’s care extends to every franchise territory and every new Franchise Owner who comes onboard with us.

Will that be you?

Reach out to us now to find out more and begin your discovery journey with Footprints Floors Home Improvement Franchise.

Whether It’s Hardwood, Carpet, Vinyl, or Laminate, Footprints Floors Have You Covered!

Whether It’s Hardwood, Carpet, Vinyl, or Laminate, Footprints Floors Have You Covered!

Whether It’s Hardwood, Carpet, Vinyl, or Laminate, Footprints Floors Have You Covered!

Footprints Floors has been part of the home improvement industry since 2008. Bryan Park founded our home-based flooring business intending to put customers first and give them the best flooring installation service at prices our competitors cannot beat.

The faith-based company has grown significantly over the past 14 years because of our stellar reputation (we have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and we continue to receive high ratings on reputable websites such as HomeAdvisor, Angie’s List, and Yelp). Our entire team — Management, Operations, Customer Service, and Franchise Owners — continues to work hard to ensure that all customers are satisfied with our home improvement services.   

Thanks to all the homeowners who put their trust in the Franchise Owners who have opened their doors in cities across the United States and us, Footprints Floors is now a national brand, with 90 faith-based, Christian franchise locations and counting! But what makes us different, you ask? Why work with Footprints Floors instead of a competitor? We can answer that!  

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You Can Rely on Our Industry Expertise. When you contact Footprints Floors to discuss your flooring project, we can help you determine your options by learning more about your vision for your room(s). Perhaps, for example, you’re not sure if you should select tile or laminate. Our experts can share with you some recommendations for materials, answer any questions you may have about our flooring installation process, and then provide you with an estimate for our home flooring installation services. Bottom line: we want you to feel confident in working with us. We also want to earn your trust and your highest recommendation because while it’s true that we are passionate about flooring, we’re just as passionate about establishing long-term relationships with our customers.

You Supply the Materials. We Supply the Labor. One of the biggest reasons we can offer you such competitive pricing is that we neither select nor purchase your flooring materials. Here at Footprints Floors, we allow you to shop at outlets to compare prices and view all the flooring styles available. This means that our Franchise Owners are not serving as salespeople but rather consultants who are always glad to point you in the right direction regarding finding the flooring you most desire. 

We Offer Free In-Home Estimates. Ready to commence your flooring project? Schedule a free in-home estimate (in-person or online) with one of our flooring experts. They will discuss our process with you, answer any questions you have, and then conduct measurements of your space so that when it is time for you to purchase your materials, you’ll know exactly how much flooring to order. Also, please be sure to check out our Room Visualizer on our website. This neat tool allows you to upload a photo of your room (you can also select a sample room if you prefer), pick a flooring option, and generate an image of what that particular flooring choice will look like. 

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We Offer Financing. To best serve customers who prefer to make payments on their flooring project, we have made financing available through Synchrony Bank. It’s easy to apply, and all payments are handled securely through Synchrony. If you’re interested in financing, we encourage you to visit your nearest franchise location to learn more.

We’re a Christian, Family-Owned, and Veteran-Owned Business. When you work with Footprints Floors, you support a family-owned and veteran-owned business. Our Founder, Bryan Park, proudly served in the United States Air Force before launching Footprints Floors.  

Veteran Owned Business - Footprints Floors Franchise

We Hire Experienced Flooring Contractors. Once you have secured your materials and approved our estimate, our work can begin! Professional installers will enter your home and install your flooring. Not sure how to clean your vinyl flooring? We’re here for you even post-installation. At Footprints Floors, we aim to provide a superior flooring installation experience and operate openly and honestly. 

We Save You Money. What else makes us different? Pricing, pricing, pricing! Because we allow our customers to source flooring from any outlet, we eliminate all the overhead costs that other flooring companies have. Two examples of expensive overhead costs include maintaining showrooms and stocking inventory. Our mobile business model allows us to avoid those overhead costs and save our customers money—on average; we can install your new floor(s) for 20% less than our competitors. Our customers appreciate that we can do the job at an affordable price.

You Get the Flooring You Want. Renovating your home is a big deal, not to mention a significant investment. That said, you should be able to transform your room(s) by using the flooring materials you want . . . whether it’s hardwood, vinyl, laminate, carpet, stone, or tile, there is no flooring material with which we are unfamiliar. Looking to install some backsplash or wall tiles in your kitchen or bathroom? We can do that, too! Our contractors also install or restore staircases and baseboards. Rest assured that we can meet your needs no matter the materials you select and the project size. 

As Footprints Floors continues to make its unique “footprint” on the flooring industry, we look forward to serving new and existing customers. We also welcome individuals interested in opening a franchise to contact us to learn about franchise advantages and how to buy a franchise. We offer low-cost franchise opportunities; our Franchise Owners across the country appreciate our business model’s freedom and flexibility. For more information, please visit footprintsfranchise.com

Whether you are a homeowner who wants to hire us for a project or an individual who is interested in learning more about franchise opportunities near you, we look forward to hearing from you soon. We thank you for your interest in Footprints Floors!

Should I Invest in a Home Improvement Franchise or Start One From the Floor Up?

Should I Invest in a Home Improvement Franchise or Start One From the Floor Up?

Should I Invest in a Home Improvement Franchise or Start One From the Floor Up?

There are many benefits to owning your own business and being your own boss. If you’re interested in the freedom and flexibility that being a business owner can offer, you may wonder what steps you need to take to pursue your career goals.

Here at Footprints Floors, we know a lot about the time, effort, and dedication it takes to not only start a business, but also make it succeed. Our Founder, Bryan Park, worked for a professional flooring company upon his return from serving in the United States Air Force and, in 2008, made the decision to launch Footprints Floors, a faith-based, Christian professional flooring installation business that specializes in everything from small repairs to large refinishing and installation projects.  

Over the years, as word spread and business grew, Bryan recognized that it was time to create a framework for a Footprints Floors franchise model. The goal was to expand the franchise brand nationally, of course, but there was another reason behind this decision: Bryan wanted to give people an opportunity to invest in this fast-growing franchise that operates so much differently than its big-box competitors. 

If you want to open a business within the home improvement industry, you can certainly follow in our Founder’s footsteps and start your own. Just be aware that there’s a lot of legwork involved, plus numerous logistics you’ll have to consider. Another option — the one we recommend — is to consider investing in a faith-based, home improvement franchise! 

Investing In A Home Improvement Franchise

The Benefits of Investing in a Footprints Floors Franchise

1. Our Brand — and Reputation — Is Well-Established:

When you invest in a franchise, you can rest easy knowing that the brand under which you operate has already been established. In the case of Footprints Floors, our brand comes with a stellar reputation, which means that new and existing customers who want to give you their business will know that they will be given unbeatable prices, not to mention an incredible customer service experience.

2. No Background Experience Necessary:

Our Franchise Owners represent a wide array of professional backgrounds and have varying levels of experience when it comes to owning and operating a business. What they all had in common when they initially approached us was a desire to own their own business and make a better life for themselves and their families. 

3. You Don’t Need to Start From Scratch:

Starting your own home improvement business “from the floor up” can be as exciting as it is intimidating. In fact, starting a brand-new business within any industry is comparable to building a bicycle from scratch. You have to go out and source all the components. Then, you have to learn how to build the bicycle and, once it’s finished, figure out how to sell it. Investing in a franchise is more like this: we supply all the parts and tools you need, and then we give you access to a knowledgeable, experienced team to help you correctly build the bike and then sell it. In other words, a franchise model is designed to set you up for success straight out of the gate. 

4. Our Team Is Your Team:

Another benefit to opening a franchise with Footprints Floors Faith-Based Franchise? We give you unlimited access to all the tools and resources you need to excel in the home services industry. That’s right — our customer support agents are your customer support agents. Our marketing team is your marketing team. Our corporate call center handles lead generation, appointment scheduling, and customer service queries, which helps you achieve the flexible, healthy work-life balance you desire — and deserve! Our marketing team will do everything they can to spread the word about your franchise location and the installation services that Footprints Floors offers.

5. When You Become a Franchise Owner, You Become Part of Our Family:

Bryan and our entire team at Footprints Floors are here for you — always. We’ll offer you the training you need and the ongoing support you’d expect. We want you to succeed because your success is our success. 

Some potential Franchise Owners approach us because they’re seeking a career change. Others have experience in the home improvement industry and join us because they’re excited about the endless potential and possibilities of owning a Footprints Floors franchise. Our company, after all, was ranked among Entrepreneur’s annual Franchise 500® and also ranked as a Top Low-Cost Franchise 2022 and a Fastest-Growing Franchise 2022. We are passionate about our work and committed to building long-lasting relationships with our customers.

Our simple and effective faith-based, Christian Franchise business model is unique in that it allows you to start an independent business that gives you incredible financial and personal freedom. You don’t need to install floors, answer customer calls, or generate new leads. Instead, your primary responsibility is to focus on growing the business. 

Suppose you’re interested in opening a franchise. In that case, we’d be glad to provide more information, answer your questions, discuss the franchise territories available, and help you determine if this is an investment you’d like to make. We seek candidates who take pride in assisting customers, are skilled at multitasking and problem-solving; and excel at communicating clearly and effectively.

Interested individuals are asked to complete what we call a “mutual discovery process” — a four to six-week process that enables us to learn more about you while you learn more about us. The process aims to encourage you to make an informed, confident decision when opening a Footprints Floors franchise. If you decide to move forward, you’ll soon be on your way to joining the Footprints Floors family. 

For more information about owning a Footprints Floors franchise, please visit www.footprintsfranchise.com. We indeed do our work at the ground level, but when it comes to opening a franchise with us, the sky’s the limit! 

How Footprints Floor’s Model Fights Off Inflation!

How Footprints Floor’s Model Fights Off Inflation!

How Footprints Floor’s Model Fights Off Inflation!

These days, it’s common to hear people talk about inflation. As prices rise, concerns continue to grow among consumers and business owners alike. The inflation rate has continued to worsen throughout the first half of 2022. In May, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the inflation rate was 8.6 percent — the highest since 1981. 

According to an article written by Drew DeSilver for Pew Research Center, “Inflation in the United States was relatively low for so long that, for entire generations of Americans, rapid price hikes may have seemed like a relic of the distant past. Between the start of 1991 and the end of 2019, year-over-year inflation averaged about 2.3% a month and exceeded 5.0% only four times.” This article, published in June 2022, goes on to state that inflation — or, as DeSilver puts it, “inflationary whiplash” — is happening not only in the United States but also in other countries throughout the world. 

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A related article published by Pew Research Center in May 2022 states that “seven in ten Americans view inflation as a huge problem for the country.” Clearly, Americans are feeling the pressure at the pump, in their local grocery stores, and elsewhere. In times like these, inflation can be a severe source of stress for individuals, families, and business owners.

Here at Footprints Floors, we are fortunate to share that our franchise business model protects customers from the high costs and shortages commonly associated with inflation. Many homeowners who are interested in having flooring installed or having their current flooring restored/refinished continue to turn to us to help them get the job done — without breaking the bank. 

Every home is unique, and we are always glad to help our customers find the type of flooring that appeals most to them. Our professional contractors install tile, hardwood, and carpet, just to name a few. Our contractors are also experts at refinishing and restoring floors, especially wooden floors that have been scratched and are not nearly as smooth as they once were. 

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One thing’s for sure: the pandemic forced us all to spend a lot more time in our homes than perhaps we were used to. Homeowners across the country began to notice imperfections in and around their homes, including those related to their flooring. Hence, many home repairs and/or remodeling projects commenced, and even during inflation, that momentum hasn’t stopped. This is excellent news for our Franchise Owners around the country! 

Since Footprints Floors came into existence (and expanded into a successful faith-based, Christian franchise), we have remained committed to giving our customers the best flooring installation possible and offering them industry-low pricing. Our business model puts customers in the driver’s seat by allowing them to select and purchase their own flooring materials. We’re glad to discuss the pros and cons of each flooring type with them through an in-person or virtual meeting, during which we give them an estimate for our affordable floor installation service and then provide them with all the measurements they need before they head to their chosen supplier. 

Because customers are responsible for purchasing the flooring materials, we can pass significant savings on to them. We eliminate the need for operating showrooms and stocking inventory — thus, those overhead costs don’t exist at Footprints Floors, and we can give customers the best deals possible when it’s time to schedule their home flooring installation. On average, our proven business model saves customers approximately 20% of installation fees. That’s a considerable amount of savings, especially during this period of inflation. 

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Two additional benefits of customers purchasing their own materials? One: they’ll have lots of freedom of choice at their chosen supplier, and two: they don’t have to worry about buying too much or too little. We’ll tell them exactly how much to order, which can lessen their purchase stress. 

In fighting inflation, this model works well for our customers and Franchise Owners because customers are never restricted to one flooring brand. Footprints Floors allows — and encourages! — customers to shop around. This is beneficial because inflation is not the only problem at hand; unfortunately, shortage issues have also become commonplace in the home improvement industry. For example, a customer visits the flooring outlet of their choice, but they are all out of the material they were planning to purchase, and no one can give them a firm date regarding when the materials might arrive. The customer can either select another material or shop at another outlet with the needed material. 

In addition, customers have the freedom to compare prices. Two nearby suppliers may have the material they want, but one is cheaper than the other. This is another way in which Footprints Floors helps our customers fight off inflation. Customers genuinely appreciate how much thought we put into saving them money. During times like these, we recognize that every dollar counts.

Nate and Tiffany Matthews - Footprints Floors Graduation

Please contact us today if you are interested in having the floor in your home installed or refinished. Our website, www.footprintsfloors.com, even allows you to upload a picture of your room and sample a variety of flooring materials within minutes. 

Should you be interested in operating a Footprints Floors faith-based franchise, we invite you to peruse our franchise website at www.footprintsfranchise.com. Now is as great a time as ever to invest in a Footprints Floors franchise. We proudly secured a spot in Entrepreneur’s annual Franchise 500® as well as within their Top Low-Cost Franchise 2022 and a Fastest-Growing Franchise 2022 rankings. 

It’s hard to predict what’s in store for the future of the economy. Still, we are confident when we say that Footprints Floors will continue to do our best to fight off inflation and be an affordable, home-based flooring business that customers across the United States can count on when it’s time to embark on a home flooring project.