Footprints Floors Christian Home Improvement Franchise Refuses to Stop Growing

Footprints Floors Christian Home Improvement Franchise Refuses to Stop Growing

Footprints Floors Christian Home Improvement Franchise Refuses to Stop Growing

Mandye Tovias - Pin Ceremony - Footprints Floors Franchise

Wow! We can’t believe 2022 came and went in the blink of an eye. We’re so proud of where the home improvement franchise is now and where it’s going in 2023. But let’s recap some of our best highlights from this past year.

We welcomed in 12 new home services franchise owners, jumped headfirst into charitable work with our First Fruits Partnership, and won several awards along the way. They include:

The team here at Footprints Floors couldn’t be more proud of the success we have. We also couldn’t be more proud of our newest Franchise Owners. Let’s meet a few of them.

Nate and Sarah Yarusso - Footprints Floors Franchise

Welcome to the Footprints Family, Nathan Yarusso!

Once again, a franchise consultant has gotten so excited about our flooring franchise concept that he’s decided to go ahead and own one himself!

Nathan Yarusso recently became a Franchise Owner of Footprints Floors after years of introducing his franchise consultant clients to our industry-leading flooring franchise business model. How did this Navy veteran and franchise industry expert decide to leap into franchise ownership with the faith-based Footprints Floors Franchise? Read on to find out more.

A Career Navy Man

Before getting started in the franchise industry, Nathan spent a fulfilling career in the U.S. Navy, spending 20 years as a jet pilot in aircraft carriers and a helicopter pilot. In a recent interview with Denver-based franchise development agency Raintree, Nathan mentioned that he retired from the Navy 10 years ago and worked as an airplane pilot in a private company. Following that, he served as a pilot with an airline that flies government contracts overseas, essentially in high-risk areas.

In a recent interview with 1851 Franchise Magazine, Nathan mentioned that as a child, he loved everything that moved, whether it was a bicycle or a skateboard, everything that could move fascinated him and piqued his interest. 

That’s how he initially became interested in the idea of flying jets. Throughout his life, he was always away from home and his family, inevitably on special occasions and during holidays.

In 2021, he started looking for a different career path that would allow him to stay at home, and that’s when he joined Franchise Brokers Association as a franchise broker. That was the beginning of Nathan’s journey toward the Footprints Floors home improvement franchise.

What Business Opportunities He Saw in a Flooring Franchise

He first learned about Footprints Floors as a franchise consultant, as the company consistently came up as an excellent option for his clients. After recommending the brand as a sound franchise investment with a groundbreaking business model to multiple clients, Nathan realized the high-growth potential of the home services company, mainly since it has grown exponentially and had a lot of successful Franchise Owners in just the past few years.

After careful consideration, he and his wife decided to move forward with the Franchise Discovery Process. After everything fell into place, Nathan became our fourth franchise consultant to become a Franchise Owner with Footprints Floors. He opened his location in Washington State, the 33rd state we’ve entered since 2018!

The Deal Maker

Having an intimate knowledge of the franchise world, Nathan knew how to make his franchise a success. Plus, Footprints Floors’ foolproof business plan made his decision to invest in them a no-brainer.

Footprints Floors Faith-Based Christian Franchise came as a natural option to him for many reasons. Here are some of them:

  • Personal Preference: Nathan believes wood is a stunning attribute for any home. It also feels nostalgic since he and his father would bond over building furniture and doing home improvement tasks together. He was excited to bring the same accented beauty to other people’s homes. Since Footprints Floors is known for providing quality flooring that adds value to people’s homes, Nathan knew it was the one.
  • Service-Based: Being a franchise broker, Nathan learned that service-based franchises have a higher chance of succeeding. That’s why he wanted to opt for a service-offering company.
  • Sustainability: Another essential component of a successful business is the ongoing need for its product or service. Nathan believes that flooring services are needed as long as there are homes. The home improvement  industry also has a large customer base, which ultimately ensures a constant influx of clients.
  • Family-Like Culture: After meeting with Bryan Park, the Founder of Footprints Floors, Nathan realized that the owners’ and top executives’ active involvement in the home improvement franchise’s operation is one of the reasons behind its success. He was immediately drawn to the family-like culture since it was something ”unlike any other brand” he had come across. All in all, the combined executive finesse with the sustainability of the service provided by Footprints Floors Faith-Based Christian Franchise made Nathan believe that this is a company that will undoubtedly do well.

What’s Next for Nathan?

When asked what excited him the most about being a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner, Nathan said he dreams of having a thriving flooring business helping people beautify their homes. After seeing that Bryan Park was personally dedicated to making the home services franchise  a success, Nathan felt quite reassured.

Thanks to the freedom and flexibility our unique franchise business model gives our Franchise Owners, many of them can continue in their “day job” while still owning their Footprints Floors faith-based business. In addition to owning his flooring installation franchise, Nathan intends to keep working in the franchise consulting industry and plans to bring potential full-time and semi-absentee Franchise Owners into Footprints Floors and learn from his experience as a Franchise Owner to become a better franchise consultant.

As for us, we’re incredibly excited to see what Nathan brings to the table with his unique franchising expertise and insight. At Footprints Floors, we offer a robust and comprehensive support system to our home services Franchise Owners, giving them access to flexible working hours, low entry costs, and a fully-staffed call center to handle lead generation, appointment scheduling, and more. Since these are what Nathan wanted from his new business investment, we can’t wait to see him find success and fulfillment!


Footprints Floors Opens in Melbourne, Florida!

The “Sunshine State” got a little bit sunnier with the opening of a Footprints Floors home improvement franchise location in the beautiful city of Melbourne! The owner is Mandye Tovias.

We always enjoy hearing what led our new Franchise Owners to the faith-based Footprints Floors business opportunity, and Mandye is undoubtedly no exception. We recently had the pleasure of sitting with Mandye and her husband and hearing their franchise discovery story. Here’s what they had to say about what led them to invest in our flooring installation franchise.

Mandye’s Road to Entrepreneurship

With an impressive resume featuring experience in industries as diverse as biotech, banking, and entrepreneurship, Mandye’s career has given her a wealth of knowledge that can successfully be applied directly to franchise ownership through Footprints Floors. Thanks to her previous business ownership experience, Mandye is ready to hit the ground running as a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner, operating as the face of the business. At the same time, her husband continues in his current role as a Senior Operations Manager for a significant OEM corporation.

Mandye’s rich and expansive career background has allowed her to accumulate the knowledge and skills necessary to own and operate a Footprints Floors home services franchise, but what led her down the path to entrepreneurship in the first place? Surprisingly, the impetus for her new venture came from an acquaintance who wanted to break free from the rat race. “A coworker of mine grew disillusioned with corporate life,” she says, noting that a change to self-employment made all the difference in her former colleague’s way of life. “He talked about the weight lifted off his shoulders,” Mandye recalls. This piqued her interest to reach out to a franchise consultant to look into potential franchise investment opportunities.

After mulling over the idea and conducting her research, not to mention looking at our low financial investment and outstanding potential for profitability, Mandye discovered that Footprints Floors was the franchise brand she’d most like to work with as a business owner. After some deliberation, the couple agreed that Footprints Floors was their ideal franchise business opportunity.

Why She Became a Franchisee

Many entrepreneurs in the same position as Mandye Tovias will tell you one thing: there is a big difference between striking out on your own and starting an independent business from scratch and investing in a franchise. Even if you rely on investors’ backing to start your business, what these ventures rarely provide is a tried and tested formula for business success. Instead, once funding is given, they wait impatiently for your business to start bringing in a return on their investment.

Buying into any business sees you putting up your own money, to be sure, and this always comes with some risk. Still, the potential for success is far greater if you financially invest in a proven formula for success that comes with extensive corporate support with marketing, operations, and more. For this reason, investing in a franchise can carry a lot less risk than opening a business from scratch.

Building a Lasting Legacy

Mandye states that she has no worries about the growth of her business as long as she puts in the hard work. She looks forward to working with subcontractors who have the same values as she does. Later, as more employees are hired to help run the day-to-day operations, she hopes they will also have the same mindset.

She seeks to put in the hard work in the initial years of the business, then scale back over the years as employees and supervisors deal with much of the day-to-day business activities.

When asked what they look forward to most, Mandye and her husband relayed their excitement to cater to the Melbourne community and surrounding areas. According to them, working with the community and learning more about the people in it will be among the most fun aspects of starting Mandye’s business.

Welcome, Mandye, to our flooring installation franchise family. We look forward to you building a successful home services business on Florida’s Space Coast!

Adnan Alhaider - Footprints Floors Franchise

Meet Adnan Alhaider: The Relentless Franchise Owner

You can’t talk about our flooring installation Franchise without mentioning Adnan Alhaider. After working as a business manager at an engineering firm for eight years, Adnan decided to start his own company: Footprints Floors of Metro Detroit. Several factors motivated him to become an entrepreneur, including the desire to have more work-life balance, an opportunity to control his schedule, hire his own employees, and enjoy other benefits that come along with being a business owner.

How it Started

Alhaider’s journey began in 2019. By this time, he had only one goal: “to own a business or start his own business.” Although he was new to the flooring sector, Alhaider was ready to take the risk and give it a trial.

He spent about six months meeting with Footprints Floors corporate team representatives. He later traveled to Denver, Colorado, to discover more about the company and the business opportunities available to him.

Two weeks after his discovery tour to Denver, he signed a contract. He launched his home improvement franchise a month later, and the journey formally began.

Why a Flooring Franchise?

As Alhaider states, he just stumbled into the Footprint Floors Franchise. In other words, it was more of a coincidence. However, after six months of brand education, he was convinced that buying into a franchise system was a great long-term business opportunity.

There were numerous options to start his own business; narrowing it down was like finding a needle in a haystack. There were so many franchise brands out there, and deciding which sector to venture into was tricky.

Alhaider says that the family-like qualities and the brand’s transparency set faith-based Footprints Floors apart from other franchise business opportunities. He developed a sense of trust when he met the brand owner and the corporate team. More importantly, his decision was informed by solid market research.

His Journey

Alhaider notes, “I wasn’t familiar with the flooring industry.” Thus, purchasing Footprints Floors of Metro Detroit was more of taking a significant risk. But entrepreneurship is about taking risks.

Initially, the flooring business was different from his passion. He notes that his love led him to explore franchise business opportunities in the restaurant industry.

However, he feels that venturing into a flooring installation Franchise was prudent. And indeed, it was as evident in the company’s success 17 months later.

Alhaider wasn’t a miracle worker. He just mastered the art of being a successful entrepreneur. He states, “our franchise business model is a little unique.” While the competitors focus on buying and selling products to customers for a bit of profit, Footprints Floors of Metro Detroit focuses on being flooring installers rather than suppliers.

Alhaider further highlights that customers always look for professionalism when outsourcing home flooring services. People were scared and had horror stories about the entire concept of Footprint Floors. However, Footprints Floors of Metro Detroit came and made customers feel that someone cared for them.

In other words, the firm aims to make money while reducing the customers’ overhead costs. Customers getting flooring installation services directly saves them a lot of logistics, labor, and materials. It offers highly competitive pricing and one-of-a-kind service with integrity. You can visit our flooring franchise website for more information.

Lessons He Wants to Pass On

From Alhaider’s entrepreneurial journey, it is clear that starting a new business has risks and rewards. However, you can only enjoy the rewards if you overcome the hurdles. You can rise above startups’ common challenges and build a successful business empire. You need focus, dedication, hard work, and a customer-oriented approach.

Risks and uncertainties shouldn’t scare entrepreneurs away. Alhaider was new to the flooring installation franchise, but this didn’t stop him from succeeding.

If you’re ready to take the plunge into entrepreneurship, why not invest in one of the top-ranking home improvement franchises in the world? We’re awarding territories across the U.S. but are selling out fast in significant markets. Start your Footprints Floors home services franchise journey today by visiting our website here.

Service Franchises Versus Restaurant Franchises

When most people think of purchasing their own franchise, their thoughts immediately go to the restaurant industry. This is understandable, as some of the biggest players in the franchise business are restaurants- McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Dunkin’ Donuts, the list goes on.

What many people don’t consider are the costs associated with owning a restaurant franchise and therefore don’t recognize how a service franchise like Footprints Floors can provide them with a better opportunity for a better life.

The Cost of Owning a Restaurant Franchise

According to Business Insider, a prospective franchise owner needs at least $750,000 in liquid capital in order to open a McDonald’s or Taco Bell, and those are on the lower end of the spectrum.

To open a KFC, a net worth of at least $1.5 million dollars is necessary.

In addition to these huge investment costs, the royalties and advertising fees of popular restaurant franchises are usually over 10% of monthly revenue – a huge hit to store profits. The zoning and code compliance laws also pose a problem to new Franchise Owners, as it can be very time-consuming to obtain all the necessary permits.

Considering all of these hindrances, some Franchise Owners look for alternative industries to get involved in, and many settle on the service industry. 

Why Get Involved in the Service Industry?

The service industry functions much differently than the restaurant industry in terms of franchising. Here at Footprints Floors, it is much easier to own your own business.

Our required liquid capital is only 75,000 which is over ten times less than an average McDonald’s. This opens up the opportunity to many more people to become a Franchise Owner. Our model also offers quick returns, with most Franchise Owners recouping their investment with 3 to 6 months!

In addition, we only charge a 5.5% royalty fee, so YOUR business keeps almost all of the profits. Footprints Floors has outstanding economics, with a 738% sales to investment ratio. So, next time you’re considering opening a franchise, consider a service franchise opportunity like Footprints Floors for your business venture!

For more information on how you can bring a Footprints Floors to your community, fill out the below form or CLICK HERE to get started!

Territories Are Going Quickly.

Footprints Floors is one of the fastest growing franchises on the planet. Hover over your state to see if there’s still open territory.

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The Rise of Home-Based Franchises

The Rise of Home-Based Franchises

As 2018 has come to a close and 2019 is beginning, the franchise industry has seen a surge in the popularity of home-based franchises. Over the past decade, nearly 250,000 people, in the UK alone, have started working from their houses. in 2017, this number was 8,000,000 people for the United States. While the UK, overall, has a higher percentage of the overall population working from home, the “work-from-home” trend is expected to continue increasing in both countries.

One of the biggest attractions of owning your own home-based franchise is that they tend to be lower cost, both in terms of initial outlay and then ongoing overheads. Working from home also tends to provide faster, more efficient training and ramp-up times.

For our Franchise Owners, we aim to keep the business simple, straightforward and cost-effective. As a home-based opportunity, we have completely eliminated the need for any type of showroom, decreasing our overhead, logistics, and staffing requirements. This allows our Owners to pass the savings onto their customers, meaning we are competitively priced in any market! In addition, our corporate call center answers all incoming calls and set appointments for our Owners so they can focus on managing their subcontracted crews as they provide excellent customer service to their communities.

To read the full article, CLICK HERE
Interested in owning your own home-based franchise with Footprints Floors? CLICK HERE for more information on franchising!

Territories Are Going Quickly.

Footprints Floors is one of the fastest growing franchises on the planet. Hover over your state to see if there’s still open territory.

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Footprints Floors 40 Under 40

Footprints Floors 40 Under 40

Footprints Floors is excited to announce that our Founder and CEO, Bryan Park, has recently been named to Hardwood Floors magazine’s exclusive “40 Under 40” list! After attending the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, and after serving on active duty, Bryan started installing floors. Crediting his core values of integrity, duty, and leadership, that were only strengthened during his time in the Airforce, Bryan decided to become his own boss and create Footprints Floors in 2008.

Today, Bryan gives back to the professional Wood-Flooring Industry by serving on the National Wood Flooring Association’s Contractor Steering Committee. Bryan also gives back to his local community by donating to programs for disabled veterans, by offering free or discounted materials and services when they’re required, and by building sets for the local children’s theatre production company.

Hardwood Floors magazine is published by the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA). They offer a variety of reporting that is dedicated to providing information necessary for personal and business success to wood flooring professionals across the supply chain. Every year, they release a list of 40 professionals in the Wood-Flooring Industry who are under the age of 40. These professionals are shaping and molding the future of the Wood-Flooring Industry and are today’s, “movers and shakers who are already setting the pace for tomorrow.”

From We are excited to shine the spotlight on these outstanding men and women whose career accomplishments have moved them to the forefront. Their professional track records have helped to establish them as some of today’s brightest stars – before their 40th birthday.”

We are extremely proud of Bryan and what he’s been able to do with Footprints Floors. Bryan epitomizes everything that is right in the business world and it’s an honor to be mentioned amongst so many other wonderful human beings.

If you’re interested in joining the Footprints Floors family and working alongside an industry leader with a proven business model then please CLICK HERE to be taken to our franchising site for more information.
To see Hardwood Floors Magazine’s entire list of 40 Under 40, please CLICK HERE

Territories Are Going Quickly.

Footprints Floors is one of the fastest growing franchises on the planet. Hover over your state to see if there’s still open territory.

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