Footprints Floors Execs Talk Join Eye on Franchising Podcast

Footprints Floors Execs Talk Join Eye on Franchising Podcast

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Footprints Floors Execs Talk Franchise Business Opportunities on Eye on Franchising Podcast

Lance Graulich, host of “Eye on Franchising,” recently welcomed Footprints Floors Founder Bryan Park and Franchise Development Director Brian Knuth onto his podcast to discuss the flooring industry and the benefits of franchising — including how the business model at Footprints Floors allows Franchise Owners to market and sell their home improvement services with ease.

The podcast episode, titled How A One-of-a-Kind NO GIMMICK Franchise Framework Guarantees Business Success, opens with a conversation about how Bryan and Brian found their way into the home improvement industry, and how franchising has allowed Footprints Floors to expand. Individuals from across the country regularly contact us to express an interest in opening a faith-based, Christian Franchise — and why not? We offer Franchise Owners flexibility, support, and a proven framework that’s simplistic in its approach. 

At the beginning of the episode, Bryan explains how Footprints Floors has found success by doing things “a little bit differently.” He says, “Our systems that we have in place, the overall model . . .  it tweaks all of the old ways of doing things.” Some of the “tweaks” our Founder is referring to involve the decision to forego opening showrooms and storefronts as well as encouraging our customers to purchase their own materials. “It’s pretty much how like a general contractor runs his business,” Bryan says. “He’s not selling trim and windows. He tells you where to go buy it and then he puts it in. That’s pretty much what we do.”

We began our faith-based franchising operations in 2018 after Bryan recognized that it would be a worthwhile venture. In two and a half years, we have grown from four Franchise Owners to 80, and we’re in nearly 170 franchise territories across the United States, helping customers get the flooring they want at prices they appreciate.   

Those interested in opening a franchise find Footprints Floors appealing because of the simple and unique franchise business model we’ve established, which sets the Franchise Owner up for success within the market. Brian, who, in addition to serving as our Franchise Development Director, is also a Franchise Owner in Carmel, Indiana, describes our model as one that provides all the tools and infrastructure that Franchise Owners need to hit the ground running. “A lot of folks . . .  they look at this and go, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s more to it than this, right?’ No. That’s it.” 

Anyone interested in opening a franchise within an available territory can do so with an approximately $85,000 financial investment, Brian adds, but before any affirmative steps are taken, Franchisee candidates must go through what he describes as a “mutual discovery process.” As he explains in the podcast interview, the process involves the candidate getting to know Footprints Floors and vice-versa. “The objective is to really set a firm expectation of what they’re getting involved with, what it’s going to cost, what success looks like as we describe it,” Brian says. “Ultimately, we go through this mutual discovery process over the course of about four to six weeks and it’s at that point that candidates arrive at a good, confident decision. It’s either a yes, or it’s a ‘Hey, it’s a good business, I see it, but it’s not for me.’” Prospective Franchise Owners must determine if they can see themselves in this particular business landscape, non-negotiables and all. “Prospects should be open and honest with themselves,” Brian adds. 

A lot of folks . . . they look at this and go, “You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s more to it than this, right?” No. That’s it.

What do we look for in a Franchise Owner? Brian addresses that, too, saying that Franchisee candidates should demonstrate an ability to be socially engaged; to multi-task; to problem solve; to be decisive; to leverage their resources; and to communicate clearly. 

The perks of being a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner are also discussed during the podcast; Bryan shares with Lance the benefits of our marketing and technology departments. “This is really where we shine,” Bryan says, “and this is one of the huge advantages of joining a franchise model. We have an entire call center. We’re emailing and texting the customer within seconds of receiving this information. That’s the exact opposite of what’s common in this industry.” Our call center handles lead generation, appointment scheduling, and customer service queries. The goal is to make Franchise Owners’ lives easier; by doing so, we help them focus on growing their business. 

As you’ll learn in the podcast, franchising was not in Bryan’s plan (or even on his radar) when he launched Footprints Floors, but now that it’s a major component of our success. We take pride in the model — and the culture — we’ve built and the opportunities we’ve given people from all backgrounds and walks of life. As Bryan says, it starts with a desire to want to help and serve others — and at faith-based Footprints Floors, we do just that.  

Both Brian and Bryan recognize that becoming a Franchise Owner at Footprints Floors is not for everybody — and that’s okay. But if it is for you, becoming a Franchise Owner has the potential to change your life for the better. If you’re interested in learning more about our franchise opportunities, we encourage you to visit our franchise website for more information. 

We’d like to thank Lance again for featuring us on his podcast. It was a pleasure, and we hope listeners enjoy learning about Footprints Floors and the franchise opportunities that exist as we continue to expand. 

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Territories Are Going Quickly.

Footprints Floors is one of the fastest growing franchises on the planet. Hover over your state to see if there’s still open territory.

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Entrepreneur Franchise 500 Top Home-Based Franchise Footprints Floors
Happily featured in numerous publications, Footprints Floors is an amazing and professional flooring company.

Entrepreneur Magazine Names Us One of the Fastest-Growing Franchise Opportunities in the WORLD!

Entrepreneur Magazine Names Us One of the Fastest-Growing Franchise Opportunities in the WORLD!

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Entrepreneur Magazine Names Us One of the Fastest-Growing Franchise Opportunities in the WORLD! 

We at Footprints Floors are proud that our hard work and dedication have allowed us to be recognized as the 49th fastest growing franchise in America!

After a year of changes and challenges, the 43rd annual Franchise 500 shines a light on how many Franchise companies coped. Many have evolved to stay steady or even grow as they adapted during this pandemic period — with droves of entrepreneurs looking to invest in a Franchise business.

Footprints Floors is one of those companies that has thrived and continued to grow, despite the challenges faced this past year. We attribute our success to our innovative Franchise business model, which provides our Franchise Owners with the opportunity to grow their businesses at a pace that suits them. Our unique business model, which includes both residential and commercial services, has allowed us to weather the storm and emerge stronger than ever.

Franchise 500: A Brief History

Franchise 500 is the world’s first, best, and most comprehensive franchise ranking. It started in Franchising’s early days as a print ads listicle in Entrepreneur magazine and has morphed into a robust digital platform with a cult following among entrepreneurs.

To make the Franchise 500®, companies must complete a rigorous application, providing detailed information about their financial performance, Franchise system, and more. Then, they are ranked by an independent panel of judges using an objective set of criteria. 

The Entrepreneur Magazine’s latest report on this list celebrates all types of business owners who have taken their idea from inception through expansion, noting those achieving substantial growth within five years or less. Our team here is thrilled about being included among such lofty companies; it just goes… to show how much effort can pay off when you put your heart into what matters most – creating quality products with exceptional customer service (which we do!), matching up appropriately skilled employees/managers that are willing + eager to uphold the company’s standards (which we have!), and of course, some business smarts to make it all come together seamlessly.

But in all seriousness, this is quite an accomplishment for our fledgling franchise brand and one we could not have achieved without the unwavering support of our investors, vendors, and of course our incredible team. So from the bottom of our hearts – thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! We are truly humbled by this recognition and will continue working hard to bring you the best in flooring solutions and service for years to come.

Get in on the ground floor of an amazing Franchise Ownership opportunity!

If you’re looking for a faith-based, home service Franchise business opportunity that has been established and is already seeing incredible growth, look no further than Footprints Floors! We offer a turn-key solution for those looking to get into the home service industry, with all the training and support you need to succeed. Footprints Floors is expanding rapidly and we’re looking for qualified candidates to help us grow even more. We have a low initial financial investment, so you can get started without breaking the bank.

Home-based Franchise with Low Overhead Costs

Footprints Floors is a home-based Franchise, which means you don’t have to worry about the high overhead costs associated with a brick-and-mortar business – no showroom/office space to rent, no materials to purchase/store, etc. This makes it an ideal opportunity for those looking to get started in the home service industry with a low financial investment. 

You have the flexibility to work from home, on your schedule. This is perfect for entrepreneurs who want to be their own boss and achieve a great work/life balance. 

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No need for Payroll Employees

We provide all the training and support you need to grow your business, but you have the flexibility to hire independent subcontractors as needed. This means you don’t have to worry about the overhead costs associated with payroll employees, like health insurance and other benefits. 

This also gives you the flexibility to scale your business up or down as needed, without having to lay off employees during slow periods. 

Call Center Infrastructure at Footprints Floors HQ

At Footprints Floors, we take care of the day-to-day operations so you can focus on growing your business. From appointment scheduling and lead generation to customer service and follow-up, we have you covered. 

Our call center team is available *7 days a week to answer calls and schedule appointments for your customers. 

Why Footprints Floors?

There are lots of home service Franchise opportunities out there, but not all are created equal. When you choose Footprints Floors, you’re choosing a proven franchise brand that is dedicated to excellence in both product and customer service. We’re here to help you every step of the way, from initial Franchise training to ongoing support as you grow your business. 

  • initial Franchise fee of $68,000
  • affordable home-based business
  • no showroom or office space required
  • no need for payroll employees
  • Franchise Owners make sales! We take care of the rest

Successful businesses are built on a strong foundation, and that’s what we offer at Footprints Floors. If you’re looking for a home service franchise opportunity with low financial investment and overhead costs, Footprints Floors is for you. 

Ready to get started?

If you’re interested in learning more about the Footprints Floors home improvement franchise opportunity, we’d love to hear from you. Fill out the form below and one of our team members will be in touch shortly. 

For more information on home service Franchise opportunities, visit our franchise website or call us at 1-800- 555-1234

Territories Are Going Quickly.

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Entrepreneur Franchise 500 Top Home-Based Franchise Footprints Floors
Happily featured in numerous publications, Footprints Floors is an amazing and professional flooring company.

Adnan Alhaider: A Story of a Relentless Franchise Owner

Adnan Alhaider: A Story of a Relentless Franchise Owner

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Adnan Alhaider: A Story of a Relentless Franchise Owner

You can’t talk about the flooring installation Franchise without mentioning Adnan Alhaider. After working as a business manager at an engineering firm for eight years, Adnan decided to start his own company: Footprints Floors of Metro Detroit. Several factors motivated him to become an entrepreneur, including the desire to have more work-life balance, an opportunity to control his schedule, hire his own employees, and enjoy other benefits that come along with being a business owner.

Where It All Began

Alhaider’s journey began in 2019. By this time, he had only one goal: “to own a business or start his own business.” Although he was new to the flooring sector, Alhaider was ready to take the risk and give it a trial.

He spent about six months meeting with representatives from Footprints Floors corporate team. He later traveled to Denver, CO to discover more about the company and the opportunities available to him. 

Two weeks after his discovery tour to Denver, he signed a contract. He launched his own home improvement franchise a month later, and the journey formally began. 

Why Did Alhaider Choose a Flooring Installation Franchise?

As Alhaider states, he just stumbled into the Footprint Floors. In other words, it was more of a mere coincidence. However, after six months of brand education, he was convinced that buying into a franchise system was a great opportunity.

As he thought of starting his own business, there were numerous options, and narrowing down was more like finding a needle in the haystack. There were so many franchise brands out there, and deciding which sector to venture into was a little bit tricky. 

Alhaider says that the family-like qualities and brand’s transparency set faith-based Footprints Floors apart from other franchise business opportunities. When he met the owner and the corporate team, he developed a sense of trust. More importantly, his decision was informed by solid market research. 

The Journey

As Alhaider notes, “I wasn’t familiar with the flooring industry.” Thus, purchasing Footprints Floors of Metro Detroit was more of taking a significant risk. But entrepreneurship is about taking risks, isn’t it?

Initially, the flooring business was not his passion. In fact, he notes that his passion led him to explore opportunities in the restaurant industry. However, he feels that venturing into a flooring installation Franchise was a prudent decision. And indeed, it was, as evident in the company’s success 17 months later.

Alhaider wasn’t a miracle worker. He just mastered the art of being a successful entrepreneur. As he states, “our franchise business model is a little unique.” While the competitors focus on buying products and selling them to customers for a little profit, Footprints Floors of Metro Detroit focuses on being installers rather than suppliers.

As Alhaider further highlights, customers always look for professionalism when they outsource flooring services. People were scared and had horror stories about the entire concept of Footprint Floors. However, Footprints Floors of Metro Detroit came and made customers feel that someone cared for them.

In other words, the firm aims to make money while reducing the customers’ overhead costs. When customers get installation services directly, it saves them a lot of logistics, labor, and materials. It offers highly competitive pricing and one-of-a-kind service with integrity. You can visit our Franchise website for more information.

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Success Factors

“So, the vision was to go big,” Alhaider notes. He started by buying only two franchise territories but later acquired two more. Currently, he has built an empire in the flooring installation sector. Also, his faith-based, Christian Franchise frequents the top 10.

So, what are Alhaider’s success factors? First, Footprints Floors’ corporate team was willing to connect him with other Franchise Owners. He contacted these experienced players privately, enabling him to get essential insights into running a successful flooring installation firm.

The warm first impression and support from the corporate staff made him feel comfortable that he had made the right decision. Also, talking to someone with extensive experience in the sector gave him confidence that he would make it. 

Within a very short time, Alhaider’s business has grown rapidly. Besides doubling the territories, Alhaider has added employees. As a focused employee, he is committed to maintaining hard work, integrity, and great customer care.

Unlike most businesses, Alhaider has a unique approach to doing business. While competitors focus on profits, he strives to achieve greater customer satisfaction. Currently, he is not only a successful entrepreneur but also a consultant, trainer, and supervisor of local flooring projects. 

“We are not only there to be in an out, make a couple of bucks and leave,” Alhaider states in an interview at Business Radio X. He knows that someone’s home is their sacred place. Thus, his company always shows it cares and respects customers’ homes.

Lessons Entrepreneurs Learn from Adnan Alhaider

From Alhaider’s entrepreneurial journey, it is clear that starting a new business has risks and rewards. However, you can’t enjoy the rewards if you don’t overcome the hurdles. You can rise above common challenges startups face and build a successful business empire. All you need is focus, dedication, hard work, and a customer-oriented approach.

Risks and uncertainties shouldn’t scare entrepreneurs away. Alhaider was new to the flooring installation franchise, but this didn’t stop him from succeeding. 

From Alhaider’s story, it’s also apparent that mentoring is crucial when starting a new business. A mentor can share your worries, give direction, and provide essential support if you get stuck on the way.

The Bottom Line

Alhaider’s entrepreneurial journey clearly indicates that hard work and dedication pay off. There is no limitation to what you can achieve. With the right mindset and support system, you can venture into any sector and succeed.

Territories Are Going Quickly.

Footprints Floors is one of the fastest growing franchises on the planet. Hover over your state to see if there’s still open territory.

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Entrepreneur Franchise 500 Top Home-Based Franchise Footprints Floors
Happily featured in numerous publications, Footprints Floors is an amazing and professional flooring company.