How Alonso Gonzalez Achieved His Career Goals With Footprints

How Alonso Gonzalez Achieved His Career Goals With Footprints

“I always looked for a management position in my work but it could never be given.” How Investing in Our Flooring Franchise Opportunity Helped Alonso Gonzalez Achieve His Career Goals

It’s exciting to watch faith-based, Christian Franchise Footprints Floors grow. What’s even more incredible is witnessing the growth that our flooring franchise opportunity unlocks for other people.

Alonso Gonzalez is one of these people. He’s the proud new owner of a flooring franchise in Mesquite, Texas.

But until recently Alonso was trapped in a career that was going nowhere. Alonso’s story shows that sometimes you just have to take things into your own hands.

Alonso Gonzalez seizes flooring franchise opportunity in Mesquite, TX

Alonso’s Elusive Management Dream

Alonso says, “I’ve been in different industries like automotive, military, and recently aerospace, as an industrial engineer, planner, and buyer.”

Yes, he’s a hardworking guy. That’s the first thing to know about him. And yet, Alonso repeatedly found it difficult to rise through the ranks and break into management.

“One of my great challenges was to be able to rise to the professional level,” Alonso said. “I always looked for a management position in my work, but it could never be given. That’s what encouraged me to look for my own business.”

It’s hard to pin down a reason why Alonso kept hitting wall after wall. One reason could be that he’s a native Spanish speaker.

Whatever the reason, Alonso wasn’t going to leave his professional advancement in other people’s hands. He knew that business ownership was the path for him.

His first step there was finding a consultant who understood his experiences.


“The first time I heard of Footprints Floors was from a broker agency that helps Latinos find the best franchise based on skills and work experience,” Alonso said. “For me, it was the best option because they could help me with all the details in my native language, it was a unique experience and I think it was a success. The company is called Interlink.”

Alonso’s consultant understood the challenges of being a non-native English speaker. Things might be fine when you’re in the general workforce. But getting into higher management? That’s an instant strike against you.

Alonso wasn’t content to remain. He was looking for independence and continued growth.

“One of my preferences of being with Footprints is the ability to continue exercising my qualities as a professional. I have experience in sales and production which makes it easier to work and it is something that I like,” Alonso says.

This is one reason Alonso preferred a services business over buying into the restaurant industry. He wants a business that brings a certain type of lifestyle.

“To begin with, I have no experience in the food industry. You have to sell a lot of food to make a profit. It’s a long time away from family. Services are fewer sales, for greater profit,” Alonso says.

“For me, Footprints Floors is ideal because it aligns with the requirements that I always look to have my own business, time with the family gives the possibility of being more with them.”

A Different Kind of Flooring Franchise Opportunity

That’s right. Our flooring franchise opportunity gives Alonso more time to spend with his family. He’ll be able to work within business hours, on the days he chooses, and take regular holidays and time off.

But that’s quite unusual in the franchising industry.

MarketWatch reported that restaurant owners should expect to routinely clock 14-hour days. And another franchise reporter puts 60-hour work weeks as the norm.

So, how do we do it? It’s all in our flexible business model and outstanding Franchise Owner support system.

When people invest in our faith-based, Christian Franchise opportunity, they receive full back-end management from our corporate center. 

“Footprints Floors helps you get customers according to the marketing model and makes it easier to sell services, and very few franchises do that for you,” Alonso says. “That’s what I like the most. The management of the market and being able to manage my own time.” 

From lead generation to website marketing to customer support, we do most of the heavy lifting. This gets our Franchise Owners up and running quickly and builds a business that’s easy to maintain.

“The big difference is their business model, all the others asked you to invest in your own marketing, which in my opinion is an area that I have no experience with and was a risk for me. Footprints Floors gives you the support and that is very advantageous,” Alonso says.

New home services Franchise Owner Alonso Gonzalez

World-Class Franchise Support For Our Family of Entrepreneurs

Our industry-leading franchise model not only helps our family of Franchise Owners attain their entrepreneurial goals without having to sacrifice their home lives but also sets everyone in our system up for success and potential for impressive ROI. By taking care of most of the upper-level management and back-end operations, we maintain consistently high standards across all our flooring franchise territories. Simply put, what’s good for our Franchise Owners is good for Footprints Floors.

Our support begins with onboarding new Owners in the right way. We make sure they know exactly what our flooring franchise opportunity will do for their lives.

Alonso met our support team in person during his Discovery Day in Colorado. 

“I met most of the team and they all supported all my questions. They were all very kind. I really enjoyed that day,” Alonso says. “Everything was made very clear. Everything was answered without any problem. All my doubts were answered, the support provided by Footprints Floors is one of the best.”

Alonso’s experience culminated with a personal introduction to Footprints Founder, Bryan Park.

“The CEO himself gave us the tour and he is one of the nicest people I have ever met,” Alonso enthuses. “He has a very clear direction to where the company is going and that made my interest in the franchise greater.”

Heading Straight to the Top With Our Flooring Franchise Opportunity

This company is going to the top, and Alonso’s on board with us. He’s ready for a new work-life that rewards all the effort he puts in.

“I’m looking forwards to personal and professional growth, having a lot of sales, and managing my own time,” he says. “One of my main goals is to help Footprints be one of the best franchises and to be the number one company in the United States in flooring installation.”

But what’s most important to Alonso?

He says, “More time to enjoy my children and my wife. And being able to explore the world without having someone stop me.”

We’re proud that our faith-based, flooring franchise business opportunity opened the door to higher levels of fulfillment in Alonso’s life.

Are you tired of waiting for career breaks that never come? Or for other people to give you their permission to advance in life?

Our flooring franchise opportunity might be right for you.

If you’d like to learn more about owning an exclusive flooring territory, please visit our franchise website for more information.

Combine flexibility with profitability.

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How A Google Search for a Franchise Changed Matt Gilstrap’s Life

How A Google Search for a Franchise Changed Matt Gilstrap’s Life

How A Google Search for a Franchise Changed Matt Gilstrap’s Life

He Googled ‘Home Services Franchise’ After Coming Home Exhausted From Back-Breaking Work… and found faith-based, Christian Franchise Footprints Floors!

We love having industry insiders give our home services franchise their stamp of approval. This time, it’s coming from another home services entrepreneur!

Meet Matt Gilstrap from Chandler, Arizona.

“I have been self-employed for the past 10 years and have created a few successful start-ups,” Matt says. “Currently, I own and operate a business called Elevated Epoxy Designs where I specialize in resurfacing customers existing countertops with custom epoxy designs.”

That’s right, Matt’s already a successful business owner. He operates a unique company that he started and built from the ground up.

So, what would make him want to add our home services franchise to his portfolio?

Well, it all comes down to his quality of life.

“I came home exhausted from an epoxy job and mentioned to my wife that I need to find a way to just do the sales and marketing for my business-the part I love – and find crews to do the manual labor,” Matt says. “We realized that my business was not scalable in that way, so I started researching franchise models.”

Matt’s quest for a better quality of life began that night. He recalls, “I Googled “franchise in the home industry” and started shopping for a new opportunity. I was honestly a little shocked when I read about Footprints Floors- it was exactly what I was looking to find!”

home service Franchise Owner Matt Gilstrap

Matt Discovers Our Home Service Franchise

Like many of our Franchise Owners, Matt’s Footprints Floors journey started with a simple internet search and a thorough read-through of our franchise website, followed by the completion of a brief questionnaire to pre-qualify for our Franchise Discovery Process. It wasn’t long before Mike Edwards, our Franchise Development Director, reached out.

Mike helped Matt take an in-depth look at our home services franchise and evaluate whether awarding him a franchise territory in his Chandler, AZ hometown was the right move both for him and for Footprints Floors.

“He was very open that I currently have a great business and why not just build that up? I appreciated that Mike didn’t give a hard sale right then when he could have,” Matt says.

“I was clearly frustrated with my business, and we were able to talk about why my weaknesses were exactly Footprints’ strengths. I felt at that moment that my Development Director was looking out for his client’s best interest, and we could talk honestly about the strengths and weaknesses of Footprints.”

“This Time, I’m Not Alone”

As someone who has built a home services business from the ground up, Matt knows firsthand what it takes to keep it running on a day-to-day basis. This unique perspective ultimately led him to take a close look at the pros and cons of operating an independent home improvement company versus franchising with a brand like Footprints Floors.

Matt loves the entrepreneurial life. He loves sales, marketing, and project management. But the hours he was working, and the level of physical labor involved were overwhelming.

And there’s no long-term future in a lifestyle you can’t sustain.

Despite his excitement about a better work-life balance, Matt did feel some hesitation to leave his own company behind.

“I think I was excited to be a part of something bigger, but also intimidated to have to follow someone else’s business model,” he recalls. “[As an independent owner] I can call all the shots right now, which is both a blessing and a curse.”

But he quickly realized the benefits of signing on with faith-based Footprints Floors Franchise.

“As a successful entrepreneur already, your struggles and challenges are exposed daily. Footprints really fills the gaps in so many ways for my skill set,” Matt says. “I’ve made it this far as an entrepreneur because I am not afraid to take risks and pivot when I see a good opportunity. Joining this team, I will be able to leverage my years of success and failures. But with a team this time, not alone.”

Becoming a Home Services Franchise Owner

Matt connected with our extensive franchise support team throughout his new Owner Discovery Process. And he connected well with us during his in-person Discovery Day at our Colorado HQ. He shares how the entire corporate team’s attitude and inclusive vibe helped him to feel at home.

“The corporate staff was great, super laid back, made the Discovery Day flow really well, and made us feel welcome and comfortable. [Founder] Bryan Park is a great franchise leader because he has built the business from the ground up and has worked every facet of the flooring industry,” Matt says.

“He seems to truly love what he is doing and love serving others. He has a big vision for the company and his Franchise Owners and is just getting started. He’s excited and wants to bring us along for the ride!”

When Matt says that Bryan wants to bring other people along, he means it literally! Bryan took Matt and a few other potential Franchise Owners on a road trip to see our home services franchise in action and to answer any questions about Footprints Floors with total expertise and transparency.

“I liked when we got a chance to do the ride-along in his truck to different job sites and flooring stores. It felt very natural and you could feel his passion for the business, his employees, and the Franchise Owners,” Matt says. “[He was] just an open book and we stopped and had a lot of great talks. I felt like I was already in training and was just taking in his years of experience.”

This sealed the deal. Matt now owns a home services franchise that lets him keep his entrepreneurial freedom while gaining a healthy work-life balance.

“Footprints is the right fit because I love the home industry and I love being involved in a client’s remodel,” Matt says. “Their franchise model was so appealing because they deliver turnkey systems and I’m able to own my own business but have a team that has done it before leading the way.”

New home services Franchise Owner Matt Gilstrap

Getting Started With Our Home Services Franchise

After completing his comprehensive initial training session, this serial entrepreneur is raring to go! Matt shares that he’s filled with energy and optimism for his future.

“I’m really excited to get away from doing the manual labor and start doing the part of the business I love,” Matt says. “I am looking forward to wearing regular clothes and not painter’s attire. And just to be a part of a team, excited to have the backing of such a reputable company,”

He also adds, “I have a very flexible schedule now so if anything, I will be working a lot more which I’m excited about. I am looking forward to having some structure, I think I will be a lot more productive.”

Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. And we can give Matt a home services franchise with flexible operations, but we can’t force him to actually slow down!

We’re happy to see that, with faith-based, Christian Franchise Footprints Floors, Matt is able to channel his passion for entrepreneurship and the home services industry into a successful business that gives him back the most important thing of all — time.

If you’d like a business of your own that lets you live the entrepreneurial life, while maintaining the work hours you want, please visit our franchise website for more info.

Combine flexibility with profitability.

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Doug Engle Finds Life Balance With His New Footprints Floors!

Doug Engle Finds Life Balance With His New Footprints Floors!

He Spent 30 Years Traveling Up to 50 Weeks Per Year. See How Doug Engle Found a Better Quality of Life with Our Home Services Franchise!

There’s one less stressed-out road warrior and it’s all thanks to our faith-based, home services franchise!

Doug Engle is one of our latest to improve his quality of life with our Flooring Franchise. Doug locked down his exclusive home services territory in the Lancaster/Harrisburg/Reading, Pennsylvania area.

Like many others, Doug found us while searching for a better work-life balance. After 30 years spent traveling for work, he’d had enough of his frenetic schedule and went to a franchise consultant to discover his options.

New home services Franchise Owner Doug Engle
We took some time with Doug to chat about his transition to business ownership. Our conversation started off with what drew him to the home services industry.

For Doug, it was simple: “Quality of life, helping people, and unit economics.”

As for the Footprints business model itself? Doug says, “High-quality in-demand service, [an] owner-operator model with the ability to scale the business quickly, and exceptional unit economics” helped him make the leap to becoming a franchise investor with Footprints Floors.

Our home services franchise offers Owners the ability to set their own hours, take days off, and grow at their own pace. This had definite appeal for Doug after his hectic career in the automotive and senior care industries.

Owners of restaurant franchises don’t have the freedom to pick and choose which days they want to work. But these perks are built right into Footprints. (Thanks to our flexible operational system.)

And helping people?

Doug now gets to spend his time doing fun home renovation consulting. Many people like home décor and renovation, but most only get to experience it when watching television shows. 



home service Franchise Owner Doug Engle

Helping People + Making Money = The Perfect Career!

With his in-demand home services franchise, Doug is getting paid to enjoy this popular pastime. And he never has to get hands-on with the work – he leaves that up to the capable hands of master craftspeople on his subcontractor team.

“The value proposition for both the customer and business owner is exceptional,” Doug says. “It affords the opportunity to help people while providing the perfect balance of business opportunity with the coveted work-life balance we all seek.”

It all translates into an incredible owner experience. One that Doug was more than ready to make his reality. 

“A career change is intimidating but business is business. Managing is managing, and customer service is customer service,” Doug says. “I’m confident Footprints has the infrastructure and support to help me overcome any concerns on the technical side of the business.”

Taking a Deep-Dive Into Our Home Services Franchise

Doug got a thorough look at our infrastructure and support throughout his Franchise Discovery Process. But he really got to know this for himself during his personal Discovery Day.

It’s one thing to have all the financials in front of you, but business ownership is a lifestyle. You need to know that both the system and the people are right for you. And you should understand what leadership team you’ll be signing on with.

Doug had some definite concerns that he needed Footprints Floors Founder Bryan Park to address.

“I went to Discovery Day with the primary objective of gaining confidence in the management/support team, which I did,” he says. “My biggest concern was the long term. I was concerned that the typical franchise endeavors to grow ASAP and sell out to private equity.”  

These concerns were alleviated when Doug got to speak to Bryan for himself. “Bryan’s shared that his vision is to not only not sell to private equity, but perhaps build by adding other related brands under the same umbrella.”


Total Transparency From Day One

Not all franchises offer this level of access to the Founder and leadership team. Footprints is designed to capture the best of our home services franchise’s growth potential while keeping leadership close to the ground.

“Bryan is the prototypical Franchisor. Hands-on, engaged and committed to Owners’ success.  A rarity among today’s franchise systems,” Doug said. “His experience, hands-on, commitment to the brand, and ability to attract an above-average support team.”

In addition to having his questions answered, Doug was able to personally experience what it’s like to own one of our home services franchise territories.

“A bonus was the opportunity to shadow sales calls and field visits.  And providing ample opportunity to speak to other Franchise Owners, most of whom were in the same boat as I. That served to give me a firsthand opportunity to see exactly what the job entails,” Doug says.  “That commitment to full transparency and an “eyes wide open” approach is a testimony to Bryan’s commitment to finding the right owners and not just selling franchises.”

This transparency helped fully prepare Doug for the road ahead. And speaking with other new Owners gave him a sense of any areas where he might need a bit more effort.  

“Finding crews appears to be universally the biggest concern among new Owners.  That is true in every position I’ve had previously, and I excelled at that aspect of the business,” Doug said. “I believe every industry has the same issue; I also believe that the ‘good’ companies/managers do not have that problem.”

Looking Ahead to a Balanced, Successful Career

Doug’s optimistic, rational, and ready to put his energy into his new home services franchise. He’s also looking forward to having his life back.

“I spent 30 years traveling 40-50 weeks a year.  Not traveling will be a huge quality of life improvement for me,” Doug says. “I look forward to achieving my goals while maintaining a personal life.  And collaborating with other Christian Franchise Owners committed to building the brand.”

“As a bonus at some point, I look forward to building a business that affords me the opportunity to work at my own schedule.  What I’ll do with that opportunity is still unknown.”

With our scalable faith-based, home services franchise, Doug’s moving into a time of growth and freedom.

And he has more than just a great system going for him. Doug has our leadership, owner support team, and Franchise Owner network to lean on.

He can build the business he wants, work the hours he wants, and maintain his personal life.

Are you interested in having your own home services franchise? Please visit our franchise website for more information and to see which exclusive home services franchise territories are available near you.

Combine flexibility with profitability.

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