Footprints Floors: Putting Faith and Family First in Our Flooring Franchise

Footprints Floors: Putting Faith and Family First in Our Flooring Franchise

Footprints Floors: Putting Faith and Family First in Our Flooring Franchise

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For people who dream of going into business for themselves, the road to entrepreneurship can be paved with uncertainty and conflict. After all, it can be extremely difficult to build a thriving business without having to sacrifice precious time that might otherwise be spent with family and friends, at church, or pursuing other important hobbies and interests that bring you happiness.

Because of this, entrepreneurs can often feel forced to choose between the allure of becoming their own boss, and what they may feel is the safer option: working for someone else and earning a steady paycheck, but ultimately not building something of their own.

Over time, choosing the second option can leave people with ambitions of owning a business feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. Surely there must be an option out there that allows individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit a chance to go into business for themselves without compromising their values by giving up time for family, worship, and recreation.

Fortunately, there is!

At Footprints Floors, we believe that nobody should have to make a choice between career success and making time for the things that matter most. As a floor installation franchise built upon the tenets of faith, family, and providing outstanding service to our customers, we help our Franchise Owners build something of their own and achieve success in business while also helping them preserve the sanctity of home and family. It’s a win-win!

A legacy of family values

Our Founder and CEO, Bryan Park, knows firsthand how it can be to launch a business while caring for a growing family. Bryan first began working as a contractor with another flooring company following his service in the U.S. Air Force as a way to support his wife, children and dogs. During this time, Bryan saw gaps in the home services industry that needed to be filled, particularly when it came to communicating effectively with the customer to give them the results they want and the service they deserve.

Using the industry knowledge he had acquired, along with staying true to his values of putting faith and family first, Bryan worked day and night to bring his vision of Footprints Floors to life in 2008, then began franchising his successful business model so that others with the same vision wouldn’t have to work as hard to get it off the ground.

Today, with over 125 franchise locations across America, Footprints Floors delivers something other franchise concepts are unable to do: a simple, home-based business model that works to fit Franchise Owners’ schedule preferences, not the other way around. Thanks to our use of subcontractor crews to get the floor installation and restoration jobs done for our customers, along with our dedicated call center that handles appointment scheduling, customer service queries and more, Franchise Owners can dedicate their energy to growing their business during a typical work week, rather than having to spend their days doing the labor while struggling to fit lead generation and marketing in after-hours.

Best of all, Franchise Owners can block out time during the week for important things, such as school recitals, kids’ soccer games, prayer group meetings and more, ensuring that no appointments will be scheduled for them during those times. This scheduling flexibility gives them the freedom to live the lives they have dreamed of and be there for the important moments, both big and small. While independent business owners must work for years to achieve this level of freedom and flexibility, it’s all right there for Footprints Floors Franchise Owners from Day One.

“You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth.” – Ecclesiastes 11:9

If you’ve always wanted to own a business, ask yourself this: why? Is it because you want to be your own boss? Is it because you want to have the freedom to do the things that matter most to you and to enjoy life to its fullest? Is it because you want to build a legacy that you might someday pass on to your children? All of these reasons are wonderful motivators for leaving the corporate grind behind and launching a business of your own, but it can take years to achieve these goals on your own. Imagine getting to reap the rewards of entrepreneurship now, while you and your family are still young enough to truly enjoy them, rather than years or decades down the road, when the kids are grown and gone and you’re facing retirement.

At Footprints Floors we believe that it’s essential to enjoy precious moments with family and friends as they’re happening, and we have designed our flooring installation franchise model in a way that puts family first, for our Executive Team members and our Franchise Owners alike. Our strong ties to family and faith extend beyond our immediate family members to include the members of our franchise family as well. We take an individual interest in each of our Franchise Owners and strive to help them achieve success in their markets with an unprecedented level of support that has never before been seen in the Home Services industry. You’ll never be just another number in a system as a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner.

When you invest in a faith-based franchise like Footprints Floors, you’ll also never feel as though you need to choose between success in business and making time for family, worship, and leisure, because our values align with your own. When you meet the Executive Team members during your Approval Day at our Colorado headquarters, you will realize that we “walk the talk,” and that we are truly as invested in your success and happiness as you are.


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Choose a Home Flooring Installation Franchise Built on Family Values

Sound too good to be true? You’ll have to see it for yourself. Visit our flooring installation franchise website today and learn more about the Footprints Floors franchise business opportunity. Then take five minutes to complete a questionnaire to pre-qualify for our no-cost, no-obligation Franchise Discovery Process to get an even closer look at our economics, operations and company culture.

We’re SOLD OUT in a growing number of U.S. cities, but are still awarding franchise territories in markets across America. Get started today to see if you are an ideal fit for the Footprints Floors family!

Jonathan Jarvis Shares Exciting News About Our Flooring Franchise’s New Giveback Opportunity

Jonathan Jarvis Shares Exciting News About Our Flooring Franchise’s New Giveback Opportunity

Jonathan Jarvis Shares Exciting News About Our Flooring Franchise’s New Giveback Opportunity

As a hardwood flooring installation franchise built on the tenets of faith, family and service, Footprints Floors has spent the past 15 years helping families preserve and restore their most sacred investments — their homes. We are dedicated to providing each customer we serve with affordable solutions that yield high-quality results. In this way, we are doing our part to strengthen and beautify the communities where our home improvement franchises are located across America. 

We are also proud to help our Franchise Owners build their own legacies by giving them the resources and support they need to launch a successful business. For many Footprints Floors Franchise Owners, owning and operating a home-based flooring franchise can be their key to financial freedom and schedule flexibility that allows them time to enjoy the things that matter most — family, worship, friends, and being of service to the members of their community.

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Now, there is one more way that our executive team members and Franchise Owners can make a difference, both locally and around the world. We just launched the First Fruits Fund, a nonprofit arm of Footprints Floors created to help people in need. We sat down with our Director of Franchise Onboarding and Training, Jonathan Jarvis, to learn about the exciting details behind our new Giveback Opportunity to celebrate our home flooring franchise’s success by paying it forward. Here’s what he had to say:

Can you please give us a quick overview of the First Fruits Fund, how it works, and who it helps?

Of course! The First Fruits Fund exists to serve as the charitable wing of Footprints Floors Franchise, primarily at the corporate level. Bryan Park, the Founder and CEO of Footprints Floors, has long had a vision of giving back a percentage of his company’s profits to help and support nonprofit organizations that share our same values.


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With the recent growth of Footprints Floors Franchise on a national level, that vision has finally taken shape. Bryan’s commitment has been to donate 25% of the company’s profits each year to a Donor Advised Fund that we have created through the NCF (National Christian Foundation).

Starting out slowly, our internal advisory group has initially selected three organizations that are working within the three target areas we value as a group. Those three target areas are Holistic Family Care, At-Risk Youth and Orphan Prevention. The nonprofit organizations we have chosen to partner with, both locally and globally, are Hope’s Promise, World Orphans, and Open Door Ministries.

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Footprints Floors is uniquely positioned to help Franchise Owners build a successful business and achieve personal financial freedom, but more importantly it can serve as a vessel for Franchise Owners to make a real difference in their communities and beyond. How does First Fruits enhance your company values of faith, family and outstanding service

The leadership team of Footprints Floors Franchise places a very high priority on our faith, and running the business in a way that we believe the Bible teaches.

We do this by pursuing integrity, honesty, and transparency, while also treating each and every person we interact with with respect and dignity. We truly love our Franchise Owners, and invest in our relationships with them not just as people in a system, but as friends and family. So as an extension of that foundation, The Footprints First Fruits Fund is a natural expression of what we at a corporate level believe and hold dear to us. We believe that we have been blessed by God in order to be a blessing to others, and with so much hurt and brokenness in the world, the First Fruits Fund has an amazing opportunity to step into the needs we see by giving back, both financially, as well as with our time and talents when possible.

For Franchise Owners who want to give back to their communities and share the “fruits of their labor” with local nonprofit organizations, how does First Fruits help them accomplish this goal?

At the corporate level, we love and support our Franchise Owners giving back to organizations they are passionate about. We encourage generosity on all levels with regard to Franchise Owners sharing the fruits of their labor with nonprofit organizations in their community, and we do not actually stipulate that they be faith or Christian based. We do, however, ask that they not be organizations of a controversial nature, in which association with these organizations could be deemed detrimental to the Footprints Floors franchise brand as a whole.

As part of our Footprints First Fruits Fund, we will have a pool of money set aside for miscellaneous giving outside of our three partnering organizations, which could be used to give to special initiatives or opportunities Franchise Owners present — provided it fits within our values and target areas. But long-term partnerships will be initiated and maintained at the corporate level.

One really interesting aspect of First Fruits is that it can help give back to people in a Franchise Owner’s local community, but can also help people across the world. Can you talk about some of the ways this fund can reach people on an international level?

We recognize that many organizations are tackling important issues right here in the U.S., and that we can come alongside and support them. But we also want to be aware and attuned to the global interconnectedness of the world right now. This even plays into the flooring industry as a whole, in that a lot of products, research and development, and sundries are made outside of the U.S. on a global scale.

One of the goals when creating the fund was to find organizations that are locally based and serve the local community, while also having an international aspect to their organization. Two of the three organizations we partner with are based here in Colorado, but also have operations in at least four other countries each. For us, this is the best of both worlds. The organizations being based here means they are working and serving our local communities, while also giving the Footprints Floors corporate team opportunities to join in fundraisers, and volunteer at events, giving our employees opportunities to give back with their time and talents as well. I envision the possibility of trips being taken to other countries in the future to build schools, install floors in children’s homes or things like that. But that is still way off in the future for us.


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How does an organization connect with First Fruits to receive funding? Do they need to be nominated by a Franchise Owner?

As of right now, we initiated the partnership with each organization we are working with, and we will most likely maintain it like that for the time being. I think we prefer to dive deep rather than be spread thin, meaning, initially as we start out at least, that we prefer to invest in a smaller number of organizations, and really get behind them and get our people to buy into what they are doing, versus just writing checks to dozens of organizations. So as of now, we will have our main three, with a special miscellaneous pool of funds that can be used for one-time initiatives or causes that might be brought to our attention by a Franchise Owner. But long-term partnerships with nonprofit organizations will be maintained and initiated at the corporate level of Footprints Floors Franchise. 

In addition to funding, can you please talk about some of the other acts of service Franchise Owners can participate in through the First Fruits program?

The organizations we have partnered with are Colorado-based, so unless a Franchise Owner lives here, or is visiting, it might be hard to volunteer at the local level. We at corporate have helped refinish and paint rooms in one of the homes that Open Door Ministries uses to house single moms entering into their transitional housing/residential program. 

We also helped organize some furniture donations and other needed items for women coming into the program with infants. We plan to meet more tangible needs as our relationship with them develops. 

We have also helped sponsor and volunteer at several fundraising events. A way that a Franchise Owner might be able to help or volunteer is if we initiate trips out of the country. That could be a very fun way to involve Franchise Owners across America. 

Finally, for those who are considering investing in a Footprints Floors franchise, how does your unique business model help Franchise Owners achieve a healthy balance between work, family, church, volunteering and any other important aspects of their lives?

We see so many men and women being awarded a franchise because they want more control of their lives, and they want to be more present with their families. This, along with financial independence, is probably the biggest driver of the majority of our Franchise Owners. 

Our business model is amazing because it can really be tailored to the goals of the individual running the business. It can be cranked up to 11, and you can work 50-60 hours a week and make a great income, or you can keep it at a more modest 40 hours a week and enjoy being home more, scheduling estimates around soccer games, vacations, recitals, etc. all while still making a nice income. 

Not to say there isn’t stress involved in owning a franchise, but the best part is that the business model is designed in a way that what you put into it is likely what you get out of it. Being your own boss is amazing because you have the ability to dictate the balance you want in life between business and family. Footprints Floors Franchise is a great option for anyone wanting to gain more control over their lives and are looking to reprioritize family and find joy in their work again. 

The First Fruits Fund is just one more way Jonathan Jarvis, Bryan Park and the rest of the corporate leadership team at Footprints Floors strive to make a difference in people’s lives. For Franchise Owners, the leadership team offers so much more than corporate support — the team has a vested interest in each Franchise Owner as an individual, and truly wants to help them succeed in any way they can.

If owning a business is something you’ve always dreamed of doing, but you also don’t want to go it alone, good news — you don’t have to! Footprints Floors is a national flooring franchise that offers world-class support and commitment to each and every Franchise Owner, while still allowing them to set their own schedules and make time for the priorities in life, like family and faith. We’re selling out fast in major U.S. markets but still have some franchises to award to like-minded investors. Take a tour of our flooring franchise website today to learn more about us and find out how you can get started with our Franchise Discovery Process.

David Cinnater is Bringing Footprints Floors to PA!

David Cinnater is Bringing Footprints Floors to PA!

David Cinnater is Bringing Footprints Floors to PA!

It’s always a thrill when our team here at Footprints Floors gets to welcome yet another friendly face to our growing home improvement franchise.

This month, we are excited to introduce you to David Cinnater, who has decided to bring Footprints Floors to Shawnee On Delaware, Pennsylvania — a lovely area situated just south of the foothills of the beautiful Pocono Mountains.

Before opening a Footprints Floors franchise, David was a stay-at-home dad who owned and operated a 200-seat performing arts venue in Blairstown, New Jersey. The historic theatre brought many world-class concerts and shows to town, giving audiences wonderful memories in an inviting and intimate space. David also worked in the automotive industry for some time, serving in sales positions. 

Knowing that he wanted more flexibility in his schedule and to become his own boss, David began seeking information about franchising opportunities this past spring. “My franchise consultant could not speak highly enough of the Footprints Floors franchise and the model in general,” David says. “Jeff didn’t push it (I had to make my own decision), but you could tell he just had absolute confidence in the business model. He anticipated it would be just a matter of time before the country sold out its franchise territories. I think he’ll be right.”

As David learned more and more about Footprints Floors, he began to feel confident that this was the right franchise for him. When you invest in a Footprints Floors franchise, you join a family that supports you in every way possible. To David, that fact was so encouraging. “There are endless resources available for all Franchise Owners to lean on, plus the whole staff at Footprints Floors is available at all times,” David says. “They want to see us succeed just as much as we want to succeed.”

To gain a better understanding of our business model and the way Footprints Floors franchises around the nation operate, David was invited to attend Discovery Day. During that day, David was introduced to Footprints Floors Founder Bryan Park. “He immediately had that laidback but confident vibe,” David says. “Bryan’s knowledge of owning and operating a very successful service-based flooring business and it’s all about the customers is second to none. There isn’t anything he didn’t go through himself, and he streamlines that success and has you follow the footprints — no pun intended!”

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Discovery Day helped David recognize that opening a Footprints Floors franchise was the best decision he could make for himself and his family. “Discovery Day was quite a jam-packed day,” he says. “Breakfast with the executive staff . . . working job site visits for an experience of what to expect . . . and then the same with sales appointment visits. It was very informative and gave me the belief in Footprints Floors to move forward.” 

If any aspect of the franchise model intimidated David, it involved having to gain the knowledge necessary to operate a successful flooring franchise and determine how he’d find skilled local contractors to perform the installations. All concerns and questions were thoroughly addressed when he spoke to our Franchise Development Director and attended a two-week training session. “The session covered all questions and just about everything flooring-related,” David says. “Two weeks in Denver training with Footprints Floors gets you up and running. The goal is to give Franchise Owners a head start needed to get the business moving in the right direction.” 

The flexibility of owning a Footprints Floors home improvement franchise greatly influenced David’s decision to take the leap of faith. “Footprints Floors is the right fit because it offers some flexibility in scheduling and also leans on my sales experience,” David says. “I have two sons, Cooper and Levi, and Footprints Floors allows me to work around their busy schedules, especially when the school year begins.” 

A devoted father, David wants to set an excellent example for Cooper, 12, and Levi, 11. As a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner, he can show his sons what it means to work in a service-oriented business where people — not profits — come first. “Seeing customers’ satisfaction in the end product is very important to me,” David says.  

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By operating with honesty and integrity, Footprints Floors ensures that our contractors complete quality work for our customers at an affordable price. We’re proud to offer highly competitive pricing thanks to our limited overhead costs. The proven, well-established franchise business model that Bryan Park brought to fruition requires customers to source their flooring. With no showrooms to manage, no rent to pay, and no human resource costs to incur, Footprints Floors Franchise Owners like David can focus on growing their businesses. 

Our incredible management team offers all Franchise Owners a reliable, knowledgeable, and built-in support system. This includes access to our corporate call center, where our dedicated and knowledgeable employees connect with customers to schedule appointments, answer questions, discuss estimates, and more.

David describes the Footprints Floors franchise business model as “highly profitable and easily scalable.” He emphasizes that it’s reassuring that this business offers unlimited growth potential.

We’re grateful that Footprints Floors now exists in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, and are honored to know that he chose us out of all the franchises that David’s franchise consultant discussed with him. If you live near Shawnee in Delaware, call David if you need your floors installed, restored, or refinished.

“Flooring is the main attraction to any room in the home,” David says. “I intend to build a strong, positive, and neighborly presence in the local flooring business.” 

And so his journey begins. As our team here at Footprints Floors likes to say, “Stick to the lit road.” We’re confident that David will do just that, and we wish him all the best with his franchise in Shawnee, Delaware.  

If you or someone you know is interested in following David’s “footprints” and becoming a Franchise Owner, please visit our website to learn more about opening a Footprints Floors franchise in your local territory. You may also give us a call anytime at (720) 501-6730. As David can attest, it’s a fantastic time to join our family and enjoy franchise ownership’s freedoms.