The Warrens Are Bringing Footprints Floors to Lebanon, Ohio!

The Warrens Are Bringing Footprints Floors to Lebanon, Ohio!

The Warrens Are Bringing Footprints Floors to Lebanon, Ohio!

Who doesn’t love a good romance story? However, instead of star-crossed lovers, this one is about the perfect franchise match that we found in Keith and Shelley Warren and the love they had for our tried-and-true business model. Even with more prime territories selling out each month, we still get excited with each new signing, and we know this latest pair of Franchise Owners feels the same way. Join us while we introduce the Warrens as our newest Footprints Floors franchisees as they get ready to open their home flooring franchise in their hometown of Lebanon, Ohio!


Introducing Keith & Shelley Warren, Our Newest
Ohio Franchisees

From Education & Logistics to Current Day

If there was ever a pair of ideal candidates for the Footprints Flooring home improvement franchise, it would be the Warrens! In a previous life, Shelley was a school teacher and stay-at-home mom, but over the last seven years, she has focused her time and energy on homemaking. On the other hand, Keith has a long history of work within logistics, spending over 36 years in the industry across transportation, warehousing, distribution, e-commerce, and more.

However, before Keith ever joined the logistics industry, he spent a couple of years running his own contracting business, focusing on – yeah, you guessed it – flooring. It’s almost like this franchisee relationship was a match made in heaven! His specialty was in flooring and tile installation, so we expect him to feel right at home when the time comes for him to start chatting with customers in his territory.

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Returning to Business Ownership through Franchising

In the business world, no one is a stranger to mergers and acquisitions, and Keith is no exception. This year, after having worked through his second acquisition, he knew it was time to move away from the corporate grind in favor of something that would give him control over his own schedule again. If there’s one thing that can create urgency for change in a career (and quality of life!), it’s a merger.

Once the Warrens decided to take a leap of faith, the couple began their franchise search, working with franchise brokers to learn more about franchising before settling on the home services industry. Footprints Floors caught their eye partly because of Keith’s experience in the industry, but it was our recession-proof services, Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD), and minimal seasonality that encouraged their decision to move forward and attend an Approval Day (or two).

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Getting to Know Footprints Floors

The Approval Day process is usually a one-day affair, but Shelley fell ill the night before. In spite of this, Keith powered through and attended his first of two days on his own. It was there that he had the chance to chat with other prospective Franchisee Candidates and the entire Footprints Floors support team. It didn’t take long for him to fall in love with our home flooring business model and support options.

However, he headed home and – not wanting to push his wife into franchising blind – sat down and scheduled a second Approval Day visit for the two of them. On this second date, it was Shelley’s turn to gush over the Footprints business model; this time, the couple was able to make the joint decision that Footprints Floors was the franchise for them.

The Warren’s Admiration of Our Support & Lead Generation Assistance

Footprints Floors has always worked to uphold our commitment to extensive franchisee support, and that was clear to the Warrens shortly after getting to know us. During both their initial research and their Approval Day visits, Keith and Shelley recognized how thorough we are in our business development with new and veteran franchisees alike. From our CSRs (customer service representatives) and lead generation assistance to our corporate operations support team, Footprints Floors works to ensure every new home improvement Franchise Owner feels support, regardless of the level of prior flooring experience they bring to the table.

“Over the course of my career in the logistics field, I wore multiple hats. The one thing that I just never really liked about the sales hat was cold calls [and] trying to get somebody interested in the front side. I’m really excited about the fact that there are CSRs and [about] the marketing that [Footprints] does. The entire process of lead generation starts way before anything gets into my footprint – no pun intended.” – Keith Warren

Rather than asking franchisees to spend hours cold-calling on the phone each day, only to end 99% of calls with nothing to show for their time, we work hard to walk all customer requests through the sales funnel on the Franchise Owner’s behalf. Plus, with our variety of SEO (search engine optimization), social, and other marketing programs, the Footprints Floors team also aims to generate leads in the first place, leaving home improvement Franchisees to only deal with warm calls and pre-qualified customers.

The Warrens’ Decision to Join the Footprints Floors Family

While the Warrens had committed to joining a franchise after Keith’s exit from his newly acquired company, they had a few options available to them when it came down to their final signing. After two Approval Days, Keith and Shelley felt that our home services franchise resonated with his background and their long-term goals for the future – both their individual goals as well as the hope to turn their Footprints Floors into a family business.

“Because Footprints has been around [so] long, they really have this down to a science. It’s not like we’re trying to reinvent the wheel; we just follow what they’ve already done. [Also], they’re always looking for ways to improve, and I like that they’re not stagnant.” – Shelley Warren

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Help Us Welcome the Warrens to the Footprints Floors Franchise!

As always, our team sat down with the newest couple to join our franchise family to hear more about their experience with Approval Day, their goals for the future, and everything in between. Here is a little peek into that Q&A to get you excited about Keith & Shelley and their new Lebanon franchise territory.

“Did you have a moment where you knew Footprints Floors was the one franchise for you?”

Keith Warren: “It’s kind of a funny story because there were actually two approval days. We were set and ready to go on the first one, [but] Shelley got sick, so she couldn’t go. I wound up going on the first day and fell in love with it. I came home really excited, but also – because we’re definitely a team operation here, we don’t do anything singly – I wasn’t going to come home and force my thoughts [on Shelley]. I wanted her to see for herself. So, we scheduled another day two weeks later, and both of us went back.”

Shelley Warren: “That’s what [made me feel] comfortable saying, ‘okay,’ and believe it was something that would fit us.”

“Were you interested in the home services industry due to your previous industry experience?”

K: “Yeah, that and looking at all the things that happened with the economy in the past several years, it’s a market that’s going to continue to grow, for one. With this, you’ve got both the new installs as well as the new refinishes and things like that. So, [with Footprints Floors], you’re constantly having some avenue of having some potential income. [And], culturally, it’s a big fit with us. The entire support network and the way the company operates – everything from Bryan to Todd [to] everyone we met really resonated with us well.”

“Sitting here now, what excites you most about launching your Footprints Floors up and going?”

S: “Getting up and going! Getting finished with all this preliminary stuff and actually getting to a point where we’re actually operational is what’s making me excited.”

K: “[I’m excited to] finish the on-site training, getting a better understanding of how we’re supposed to move forward, how the entire process works, and getting in front of customers. [We want to] get that ball rolling and build something of our own that we can manage [where] we’re not beholden to some other manager’s decisions controlling where we’re gonna go in the future. We’ve got a couple of sons in their 20s that might want to jump into the business at some point in time, [so that] gives us an exit strategy and keeps the business in the family.”


While Keith and Shelley finish up their training, we know both they and our entire team are excited to see them hit the ground running with their new home flooring business and introduce Footprints Floors to Lebanon, Ohio! However, their territory isn’t the only region that’s the perfect fit for our home improvement franchise. If you’ve been thinking about jumping into business for yourself so you can take control of your schedule like Keith and Shelley, Footprints Floors is the place for you. Complete our quick, 1-minute qualification quiz to get started today!

Footprints Floors Is Headed to Sugar Hill, Georgia with Franchisee Chip Dunn!

Footprints Floors Is Headed to Sugar Hill, Georgia with Franchisee Chip Dunn!

Footprints Floors Is Headed to Sugar Hill, Georgia with Franchisee Chip Dunn!

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The Footprints Floors home services franchise has come a long way from our humble Colorado beginnings back in 2008. Since offering franchise ownership opportunities, our home state has completely sold out, and our business model has expanded into 34 other states with over 150 territories now in operation – with more territories being awarded every year!

However, despite all this growth in our past, present, and future, we still get excited with each new franchise we award. This time, we’re excited to introduce you to Chip Dunn, a former Retail Operations Manager and excited husband from the Lawrenceville-Sugar Hill neighborhood of Georgia! Let’s take a look at the path Chip took to find us and how he knew we were the right fit for him after meeting our support team at Approval Day!

Coming to Us from Georgia, Let’s Meet Chip

Chip’s Background

Every candidate who becomes a franchisee experiences a moment in their career that encourages them to take a leap of faith and go into business for themselves. For Chip, his sudden job loss from his retail store operations management position is what caused him to begin looking for new business opportunities – and, ultimately, franchising. In addition to managing operations across multiple major retailers, Chip was also a Project Manager for a national commercial security company, where he was exposed to sales and empowered to develop his own accounts.

Also, his residential real estate sales and family office supply business experience helped give him the varied background he’ll leverage as he wears multiple hats in growing his new flooring business.

Why Franchising

While Chip’s initial reaction to being suddenly laid off was to search for another 9-5 position, he eventually shifted to look at franchise business opportunities instead. After being approached by a franchise coach, Chip began to research franchises at the same time as pursuing interviews for traditional jobs. As time went on, franchising became the obvious, most viable option as he became frustrated with the months-long interview processes and the frustrating traditional job offering system.

“Frankly, I felt strongly that God was closing one door and opening another where I could actually realize my dreams.”

During his franchise search, Chip reviewed four franchises before resonating with Footprints Floors and deciding to take the next step in the discovery process.

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Getting to Know Footprints

While it was a franchise coach who facilitated the introduction between Footprints Floors and Chip, it was Chip who took the initiative to move forward with the discovery process and approval day. After researching and chatting with some of our current Franchise Owners, Chip appreciated the home-based model, low initial financial investment, quick ramp-up time, and successful, well-established business model. Additionally, after reviewing our Franchise Disclosure Document, it was the higher earning potential – even in year one – and the territory demographics of his community that sold Chip on the Footprints franchise concept.

Meeting the Team at Approval Day

Approval Day is a chance for potential franchisees to meet with the Executive and Support Team in Colorado, spend a day with them to get to know each other, and see the Footprints Floors business model in action. While not everyone who attends goes on to join the flooring franchise, Chip Dunn was one who liked what he saw and used that experience to make his final decision to become a home improvement Franchise Owner.

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“My decision was 90% made prior to Approval Day, but there were a few things that sealed the deal for me. I was impressed that the executive team made time to load up strangers like myself in their personal vehicles, tote them around to job sites, and make themselves available to answer any questions while providing a ‘day in the life’ overview of a Footprints Owner.”

However, he didn’t attend Approval Day on his own. Although she won’t be directly involved in the business, Chip considers his wife a huge part of any decision in their life, and it was her belief that franchising with Footprints was a viable business option that validated Chip’s decision. Plus, once Bryan Park answered his question on the origin of the Footprints name and its meaning, the Dunn’s felt they had confirmation that this was a company rooted in relatable principles and integrity, and they knew it was a great fit for their life.

His Decision to Move Forward

After returning home from Approval Day, Chip knew that while he was ready to pull the trigger and become a home services Franchisee, he needed the second opinion of the person closest to him: his wife. Together, they saw the unique, proven business model supported by our team and operational systems, in addition to our low initial financial investment, low overhead expenses, and quick ROI. With her careful scrutiny leading to her full support, Chip was ready to take the next step and officially sign on with the Footprints Floors flooring franchise.

Bringing Footprints to His Corner of Georgia

Once Chip decided that Footprints was for him, he looked toward his Georgia territory, which was determined to stretch from Sugar Hill northward to Gainesville, eastward to Athens, south to Monroe, and back west through Lawrenceville and Buford. This market will likely have tremendous revenue potential for both solid hardwood floors and refinishing services, and Chip also suspects tile and laminate surfaces will also be in demand in these neighborhoods.

This territory represents a great mix of existing homes and homeowners who not only plan on renovating and updating their existing properties but also look toward new construction and areas for future development. With a mix like this, it looks like long-term sustainability won’t be hard for Chip to come by. There will also be a vast demographic of middle to upper-middle-class communities within this territory, giving our newest home improvement Franchisee plenty of opportunity to introduce Footprints Floors to Lawrenceville-Sugar Hill, Georgia.

Join Us in Welcoming Chip to the Footprints Floors Family!

The Footprints Floors team sat down with Chip for a Q&A to hear from him what he thought of our discovery process, what about his background has prepared him for this, and what he’s most looking forward to with opening his own Footprints Floors location!

“What was the most surprising thing you learned during the education process?”

Chip: “The Footprints Owners I spoke with during the discovery process were all operating at a much higher level than those in other franchises I investigated. They were much more responsive, they could speak to their numbers, they were mostly consistent in how they operated their business, they were very candid, and there was little to no discrepancy in how they answered the same questions. With other franchise opportunities, these things were absolutely not true. I felt like there was a clear business structure and competence with Footprints Owners that was simply lacking elsewhere.”

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“Why do you believe you will be successful with this franchise?”

C: “[My] years of exposure in a retail environment has uniquely equipped me to run my own business both in terms of a P&L operational aptitude but also from a service-first mentality. The blueprint is already drawn [at Footprints Floors], so it’s literally a matter of duplicating what’s been designed.”

“What are your goals with owning Footprints Floors, and what are your long-term entrepreneurial goals?”

C: “I have a number of personal financial goals I’d love to achieve, but I’m singularly focused on that being a byproduct of serving my customers with absolute integrity and commitment to exceeding [their] expectations. Additionally, I look forward to giving back to charitable causes [that] positively impact children, veterans, and first responders. [My long-term] goal is to build a successful legacy business that can be taken over by my son and perhaps also move into other home service trades.”

“What excites you most about your Footprints Floors location?”

C: “Every Footprints Floors territory is designed to demographics that are proven to be successful. All I have to do is follow a proven plan, and the business is just waiting to be captured. My service area has tremendous growth potential.”


As our team works to bring Chip on board in the Lawrenceville-Sugar Hill area, we’re also looking forward to our next new home services Franchise Owner! If Chip’s story resonates with you, or you can imagine yourself in his shoes as he prepares to open his new business, you’re in the right place! To learn more about how you can leave the corporate world behind and join the Footprints Floors family, contact our team to get started!

How Footprints Floors Franchise Owners are Reaping the Benefits of Using Subcontractors

How Footprints Floors Franchise Owners are Reaping the Benefits of Using Subcontractors

How Footprints Floors Franchise Owners are Reaping the Benefits of Using Subcontractors

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In the construction industry, few mainstays are quite as essential as subcontractors. However, when you’re new to construction or home renovation, the idea of managing workers that aren’t technically your own employees can be scary at first. The paperwork involved and the unique circumstances surrounding that type of professional relationship are foreign and confusing to most of our new Franchise Owners. Luckily, our founding Footprints Floors team has been there and knows what it takes to build strong relationships with a network of subcontractors – not to mention the amazing benefits behind this practice.

In this blog, we’ll dive into why the construction world has leaned on the subcontractor relationship through the years, the advantages of this arrangement, and how Footprints Floors has made hiring contractors so easy.

Downsides of Hiring W-2 Employees

When most first-time business owners join a franchise, one of their first thoughts is hiring an in-house staff – a.k.a., a team of W-2 employees. While plenty of businesses thrive on this arrangement, there are some – like Footprints Floors – that are better suited for subcontractors, also referred to as 1099 contractors. Many brands in the construction industry rely on the subcontractor arrangement and would likely see decreased profit margins, among other things if they were forced to only retain a W-2 staff.

Associated Expenses

When you hire a W-2 employee, there are a ton of expenses involved with each new onboarding that quickly add up impacting your bottom line. Even if you opt for a candidate with all the ideal prior experience, you still need to set aside the time to take them through all their initial paperwork, schedule a variety of workplace training courses or videos for completion, and have them shadow an existing employee before they can take on work of their own. All of these not only take time, but each new hire costs a business $1,252 on average, money that could otherwise be spent on marketing initiatives.

In the construction and home renovation industries, each line of work requires the use of complex tools and equipment to get the job done, none of which are cheap. So, when you bring W-2 employees on board, you’re expected to furnish them with this equipment, an expense that can quickly run away from you when you’re growing. If large purchases like this are constantly eating into your profit margin, you can hardly expect continued growth if you don’t have funds to dedicate to your growth.

Subcontractors & Footprints Floors Franchise

Since our founding back in 2008, Footprints Floors home services franchise has relied on the use of subcontractors and has continued this practice with each new flooring franchise awarded. In late 2008, our founder–Bryan Park, started completing projects around his community independently. However, by May 2009, he was able to scale the home improvement business thanks to the team of subcontractors he had connected with, allowing him to have four different jobs running at one time. Today, each flooring franchise is built on this relationship, allowing Franchise Owners to focus on sales and overseeing operations, while subcontractors are trusted to take care of just the installation and finishing involved with each project.

Advantages for Franchise Owners

As a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner, there are many benefits to using subcontractors that become apparent before you even send someone out to complete your first flooring installation job. As we discussed earlier, a subcontractor isn’t required to undergo the same rigorous and lengthy onboarding process as a W-2 employee. With this, both time and money are saved and the Franchise Owner can leverage the certifications, experience, and territory knowledge of their subcontractors much quicker than the alternative. Since subcontractors are already involved in the local construction or home renovation markets, they become valuable resources for home services Franchise Owners that they otherwise wouldn’t have.

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If that wasn’t enough, subcontractors also come equipped with their own tools to complete jobs and their own vehicles to get to and from work sites. This lower upfront cost allows our Franchise Owners to increase their profit margin or even dedicate more money to their marketing goals. On the off chance that a subcontractor doesn’t work out, Footprints Floors Owners can choose to end a relationship right then, without needing to go through the usual Human Resource headaches that govern business-employee relationships. This way, you can move on to the next subcontractor and keep project disruptions to a minimum.

Advantages for the Subcontractors

Many subcontractors in the construction industry today choose not to tie themselves exclusively to just one business for many of the same reasons businesses opt to work with subcontractors. While the money can oftentimes be better than the alternative, it also allows them the freedom to work as much or as little as they want at a given time. This means they can tailor their work schedule to their personal life.

Additionally, subcontractors can also leverage their professional network to help them learn more in-demand skills and diversify the kind of work they can provide to their clients. This allows them to work with a roster of many brands or choose a select few to remain loyal to as they grow.

How We Support Franchise Owners in Hiring Subcontractors

We understand that managing subcontractors can often be a sticking point for some potential home improvement franchisees. That’s why we train our Franchise Owners on everything they need to know to hire, oversee, pay, and maintain subcontractor-based crews. With the Footprints Floors franchise business model, we also ensure our crews are paid extremely well and guarantee we can keep them busy 12 months out of the year. This means that once the right subcontractors are in place and crews are built, each person becomes loyal to our Franchise Owners and becomes an easy piece of the business to manage.

In addition to our business model and initial training, our Footprints Floors support team is always available to Franchise Owners, no matter how long they have been a franchisee. This way, if an Owner has a unique situation they need answered or needs additional support to maintain their subcontractor knowledge, they know they have someone in their corner when they need it.

Training, Tools & Our Owner Network

When you first join the Footprints Floors flooring franchise, you will learn everything you need to start a successful flooring business from day one–especially the ins and outs of working with subcontractors. Your first two weeks of training in Colorado will include classroom courses, Franchise Owner shadowing, and even a ride-along to see what your subcontractors will be doing. After going back to your territory for hands-on training, you’ll return back to Colorado to guarantee that all your questions are answered and you’re prepared for success.

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During this training, you’ll be given the Craigslist ad template each home services Franchise Owner uses to attract new subcontractors, as well as the process you’ll follow to ensure you’ve found the right person for the job. From there, your training will cover all the 1099 paperwork involved and provide guidance on maintaining this type of work structure.

While business ownership of all kinds can be rewarding, joining an established home services franchise can be even more fulfilling because of the built-in Franchise Owner network involved. At Footprints Floors, new Franchise Owners are introduced to each other during the initial training when scheduling allows. Once each person has their flooring business up and running, they can also connect with other, more established franchisees to build those professional relationships. With our franchise, Owners gain a unique network of like-minded individuals via a chat forum so they can feel comfortable reaching out when they need advice on anything – including the management of subcontractor relationships.

Subcontractors Enable Scalability

In business ownership, scalability is the name of the game. Running the same business is enough for some, but most entrepreneurs get hungry for growth in the form of more sales or more territories. In order for a business to scale sustainably, it needs the existing business model to support this expansion, too.

When you’re not dedicating a huge portion of your time to guiding W-2 employees through training and the HR process, you gain hours back in your day to focus on growth initiatives like attending public events or connecting with local networking groups. On top of this, using subcontractors also means you aren’t regularly buying new vehicles or equipment for staff to use, saving you tens of thousands each year so you can commit more funds to your marketing or to growing your profit margin.

Whether you’re new to the world of home renovations or you’ve worked alongside subcontractors in the construction industry before, Footprints Floors has the business model and Franchise Owner support you need to get started. With our free Franchise Report, you can learn everything you need to know to move forward with the franchise ownership process and rest assured knowing that you’ll get all the support you need to understand the Franchise Owner-subcontractor relationship.

Take our qualification quiz to see if you’re ready to be the next to join the Footprints Floors home services franchise!

Common Franchise Ownership Expenses & Meeting Bob Linda, Our Newest Franchise Owner!

Common Franchise Ownership Expenses & Meeting Bob Linda, Our Newest Franchise Owner!

Common Franchise Ownership Expenses & Meeting Bob Linda, Our Newest Franchise Owner!

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If you’re clocking into a job you can’t stand each day, dreaming of a future where you build a business and financial freedom for yourself, the cost of doing so is probably one of the first things you consider. If you’re a certain type of person, this thought may also be the thing holding you back, but it doesn’t have to be. At Footprints Floors, our founder started the home improvement franchise with tens of thousands in credit card debt, but he pushed past this, accepted the expenses of pursuing his dream, and created the flooring franchise that dozens of Owners follow today.

So, what are the expenses you can expect with home improvement franchise ownership, and which can you plan to see every month? In this article, we’ll look at seven of the most common costs of running your own Footprints Floors flooring installation business, as well as meet one of our newest Franchise Owners to join the Footprints family: Robert Linda!

The 7 Most Common Footprints Floors
Franchise Expenses

Initial Franchise Fees & Equipment to Get Started

As you start your own business, one of the first things you need to consider is the associated start-up cost. When you choose to become a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner, the first financial commitment you can expect to make involves your franchise fee and all the additional associated costs. This can fluctuate depending on the number of territories you’re choosing to start with or if you qualify for our veteran’s discount.

With Footprints Floors, our all-in investment starts at only $78,000!

This initial financial investment includes business/administration needs such as a laser measuring device, $200 in apparel credit to purchase your first uniforms, the initial marketing materials (including business cards), as well as proposal forms and estimate notepads to maintain a professional appearance with your customers.

Depending on the franchise, the initial equipment you need to hit the ground running will likely warrant the need for a new vehicle or a vehicle wrap, so you can easily advertise your business as you drive to and from client appointments. When you franchise with Footprints Floors, we encourage you to choose the vehicle that works best for you; we just require that it meet our standards and specifications, as well as be properly registered and insured as a commercial vehicle in the county and state of your territory.

Permits, Licenses & Certificates

Many states and counties have laws, rules, and regulations that govern how entities can conduct business, some of which may be specific to Franchised Businesses or businesses in the home services industry, like Footprints Floors. This often comes in the form of permits, licenses, and certificates that you have to obtain before you can legally begin providing your services to customers in your territory. These can include things like your standard business license and sales tax license, or something as particular to your Footprints Floors franchise as a contractor license or a home improvement license (only in select states), and will likely have an annual cost to keep your business current so you can continue operations.

Since these licenses can change depending on your state, city, and county, you’ll need to check with your local jurisdiction to determine what those are before you begin business operations. If you want assistance with this, you always have the option to consult with a legal advisor in this area to ensure you don’t overlook anything.

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Everyday Technology

As with running any type of business in our modern, digital world, you will need reliable technology in order to manage your everyday tasks, and this can include everything from phones and computers to payment processing software. While you can mitigate some of these costs when you’re a solo owner-operator by using the technology you already own, you will need to invest in additional assets once you have employees that will need their own computers or cell phones. As you scale, you may also need to purchase additional licenses for the necessary software tools you use every day.

As a Footprints Floors Franchise Owner, you will be provided with the software necessary to get the job done, so you can trust you’ll have what you need and will know what costs to expect each month. This doesn’t include the purchase of additional computers, cell phones, or internet or phone bills, giving you the freedom to choose the provider or brand that you prefer most.

Initial & Regular Training

When you first join a franchise, one of your first introductions to becoming a franchisee will be your initial training. This will help you understand the ins and outs of the home improvement business so you can effectively run your territory when you get started. This essential expense will always prove worthwhile, but it should also be complemented by attending regular training courses your franchise might provide, or sending new employees to training as needed. Industries and businesses change all the time, so it’s important to keep yourself and your team up to date with the newest systems and processes your corporate team creates.

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Professional Services

As with owning any kind of business, you will need to outsource certain professional services as you grow. While you may be able to act as your own accountant or write your own agreements when your revenue is in the tens of thousands, you’ll quickly find yourself paying for professionals to handle these tasks later on. This will not only help you free up your time so you can focus on building your home flooring business or providing the oversight your operations need from you, but it will also ensure that these critical tasks are being handled by an expert in the area.

Digital Marketing Efforts & Collateral

All successful businesses grow through effective marketing, whether that’s traditional print, digital marketing, or even through customer recommendations. Since the vast majority of marketing comes with some associated costs, whether it is monetary or time out of your day, it’s important to keep that in mind as you plan your expenses. When you become a Franchise Owner with Footprints Floors, much of the marketing is done for you, including hosting your website and designing all of your marketing collateral. By allocating a budget to our corporate support team each month for your marketing, you’ll have predictable marketing costs, letting you focus on building your business instead of catching up on bills.

Bob Linda - Fairfield, CA - Footprints Floors Franchise Owner

Meet Our Newest Flooring Franchise Owner, Bob Linda!

Joining us from Fairfield, California, Robert (Bob) Linda made the decision to take a leap of faith and jump into the world of franchising. From first hearing about Footprints Floors through his franchise consultant, to flying out to Denver, Colorado, to get first-hand experience with the home services franchise, Bob’s experience meeting the team has laid a foundation for an exciting, well-supported new journey for him. As his first venture into business ownership, both he and our Founder and CEO, Bryan Park, are excited for him to dive in and can’t wait to see his persistence pay off!

Bob’s Background

Our newest Footprints Floors Franchise Owner, Robert Linda, joined the armed services directly out of high school with the intention of pursuing a career in the Air Force. However, one serious injury later, and Bob was forced to leave active duty. Rejoining the civilian job hunt, he found employment in the ammunition industry to be tricky to attain, so he instead went to work in a family business focusing on pest control sales. He soon discovered that he enjoyed and was adept at selling, but he was still looking to earn more. This is what led him to the world of franchising, and ultimately, Footprints Floors home improvement franchise.

His Reaction to Footprints Floors

After being introduced to our home services franchise, Bob knew he was ready to join our family before he ever joined us in person for Approval Day. He was immediately intrigued by the ability it would grant him to work with subcontractors instead of employees and was pleasantly surprised by the lead generation assistance provided. While his initial concern was in getting enough opportunities to be truly successful, he was quickly relieved to hear that the entire marketing team and in-house call center would assist with lead generation, allowing him to focus more on the day-to-day aspects of the home flooring business.

Bob’s vision for his Footprints Floors franchise is to grow and expand to multiple territories over the years so he can hire a manager and sales specialist that grant him more time with his sons. Eventually, his ultimate goal is to build a lasting legacy not just for himself but his family that allows him to pass on the business he builds to his kids. When asked about the hopes and dreams Bob has for his business ownership journey, he provided insight into his motivation, saying:

“[Footprints Floors] lets me be a better father to my 3 little boys at home because I can spend more time with them, go to their sporting events, and coach them. My career goal [is] to retire early and leave behind something for my kids. FF gives me that opportunity.

“I want to teach my boys to follow their dreams and to make their own decisions in life, and don’t let fear and doubt win over courage and ambition.”

How His Existing Skills Will Help Him Thrive

Once Bob made the decision to jump into franchise ownership, he knew he wanted to stay in the home services industry, but in something more niche than pest control, painting, or cabinets. His years of experience in the home services space have helped him cultivate the skill set that makes him the perfect fit for this type of work.

When we asked him what struggles he had faced in previous years that he thought would help him be more successful in this new business ownership journey, he admitted:

Bob Linda with Family - Fairfield, CA - Footprints Floors Franchise Owner

“I struggled working at jobs where I had no power, no control, always working with someone else who made all the decisions. It’s hard for me to perform at my best in that environment. I’m at my best when I work alone, schedule my day with customers, and have control of my time. Another important aspect of me being a successful entrepreneur is my competitiveness, which motivates me to enjoy what I do and strive to be the best.”

If you’re ready to follow in Robert’s “footprints” and join the growing wave of people who are swapping their 9-5’s for complete control over their schedule and financial future, then freedom through Franchise Ownership with Footprints Floors may be the opportunity to help you get there! Download our free Franchise Report to learn more, then chat with our team to see if your preferred territory is still available.

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Are You An Ideal Candidate for A Footprints Floors Home Services Franchise?

Are You An Ideal Candidate for A Footprints Floors Home Services Franchise?

Are You An Ideal Candidate for A Footprints Floors Home Services Franchise?

Footprints Floors Ideal Franchise Owner Candidate - 1

Ideal Footprints Floors Franchise Owner

Franchise owners don’t need to have experience or previous knowledge of the flooring business because they run the company rather than provide the flooring installation services themselves. As a result, they need to be problem solvers who can maintain organization despite various demands and duties. They must also have a heart for people and be able to offer top-notch customer service. This is a small simplified list of some of the qualities we look for in our home flooring franchisees:

  • Business acumen 
  • Sales & management experience
  • Customer service oriented 
  • Ability to multitask
  • Organized, punctual, accountable  
  • Multi-unit capable 
  • Strong communication skills

However, keep reading for a more detailed explanation of what we look for in franchise owner candidates.

Our ideal flooring franchise owners should be highly customer-oriented. They’ll understand the importance of building solid client relationships and providing exceptional home improvement services. We want them to actively listen to customers’ needs, offer professional advice, and ensure their complete satisfaction. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills enable them to connect with customers and gain their trust.

Strong leadership and management abilities are two of the top qualities we look for. Flooring Franchisees are adept at motivating and inspiring their team members, fostering a positive work environment, and ensuring efficient operations. Effective organization and time management skills enable them to handle multiple projects and deadlines efficiently.

Do you have a solid business acumen? If so, check off another characteristic we want. You should possess a strategic mindset and be able to make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability. We want you to actively seek opportunities for business expansion, implement effective marketing strategies, and stay current with home improvement industry trends.

Ben Norton - Footprints Floors Ideal Franchise Owner Candidate - 2

Lastly, and most importantly, the ideal home improvement franchise owner would be committed to upholding the values of Footprints Floors, which include integrity, honesty, and professionalism. They would prioritize ethical business practices and treat their employees, customers, and suppliers respectfully.

Our Proven Home Services Business Model

Footprints Floors has established a proven franchise business model that sets it apart in the home flooring industry. This model is built on a combination of critical factors that contribute to the franchisees’ success and the company’s overall growth.

One of the key elements of our home services business model is our focus on customer satisfaction. We strongly emphasize delivering exceptional service and exceeding customer expectations. This commitment to customer-centricity has earned Footprints Floors a solid reputation for reliability and quality craftsmanship.

Another aspect of the franchise’s business model is its comprehensive training and Franchise Owner support system. We provide our franchise owners with extensive training programs that cover all aspects of running a successful flooring business. This includes technical training, business operations, marketing strategies, and ongoing support from a dedicated team of experts. They benefit from the collective knowledge and experience of the company, allowing them to hit the ground running and navigate potential challenges with confidence.

Our home improvement franchise owners utilize the power of our proven marketing strategy. Over the years, we’ve established a strong franchise brand presence through consistent messaging and high-quality workmanship. Additionally, we implement effective marketing strategies that generate leads and drive customer engagement, enabling franchisees to focus on delivering exceptional service while benefiting from a steady stream of home flooring installation customers.

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Overall, Footprints Floors’ proven franchise business model combines a focus on customer satisfaction, comprehensive training and support, and a strong franchise brand presence. This model provides franchisees with the tools and resources they need to succeed in the competitive home flooring industry, making it an attractive and viable business investment opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to enter the home services market.

A Day In the Life of a Flooring Franchise Owner

Unlike a lot of our home services franchise competitors, we offer two Franchise Ownership options: owner-operator and semi-absentee. However, we only allow semi-absentee ownership off the bat if a Franchise Owner knows who their General Manager will be before starting the home flooring business and it is someone they have worked with previously.

Franchise Owner-Operators are hands-on daily in the business. Daily, they can conduct flooring installation estimates and consultations with customers while overseeing home flooring jobs that are in process. They can also spend their days collecting contracts, deposits, and final payments, managing general bookkeeping and administration tasks. But maybe the single most important part of an owner-operator role is creating and maintaining business relationships with subcontractors.

Our Semi-Absentee Franchise Owners will put a strong General Manager in place. While concerning themselves with other ventures, they will need to tackle a few tasks like overseeing the general manager, managing payroll and other high-level admin tasks, and scaling the home improvement business.

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We Love Our Families & Communities

Footprints Floors is not just a home flooring company; it is a community and family-oriented business that places great importance on building strong relationships and positively impacting the communities we serve. There are several reasons why we stand out as a community-focused and faith-based franchise.

Home Services franchise owners are encouraged to become actively involved in their communities, forging partnerships with local organizations and participating in community events. This approach allows the franchise brand to contribute to the growth and well-being of their neighborhoods, fostering a sense of belonging and community pride.

We operate as a family-oriented business, both within our corporate culture and in the interactions with our customers. Franchise Owners and employees are treated like valued members of the Footprints Floors family, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. This positive culture translates into exceptional customer experiences, as customers feel welcomed, respected, and well taken care of throughout their home flooring installation journey.

Ready to Become One of Us?

Footprints Floors Home Services Franchise goes above and beyond to foster a sense of community and family—it’s time for you to join. You’ll be able to set yourself professionally and financially free, while creating more valuable time to spend with your loved ones.

Visit the Footprints Floors franchise website and let’s chat soon.

Footprints Floors Flooring Franchise Hosts 2023 Cultivate Convention

Footprints Floors Flooring Franchise Hosts 2023 Cultivate Convention

Footprints Floors Hosts the 2023 Cultivate Convention in Chandler, Arizona!

2023 Cultivate Convention - Chandler, Arizona - Footprints Floors Franchise
2022 was a monumental year of growth for us here at Footprints Floors Franchise. We now have over 160 flooring franchise units open nationwide and look to grow even more in 2023. And because of our stellar 2022, we were fortunate enough to head to Chandler, Arizona, for our annual Cultivate Convention.

“It’s absolutely crucial that we gather,” explained Bryan Park, CEO of Footprints Floors. “It’s a big part of who we are and what we do. With franchise owners scattered all around the country, getting together once a year helps us to instill our culture, pass along information and remind franchisees that there is an entire network of people working toward a common goal.

As highlighted in a wonderful article in 1851 Franchise by contributor Morgan Wood, the event was a smashing success. Speaking on mental health, former Rescue Renovation anchor Kayleen McCabe opened the convention. Following her remarks, Park welcomed the home improvement franchise owners to the occasion and praised the congruent learning and networking that will take place during the convention.

Wood went on to explain that for the remainder of the week, franchise owners took part in 20 classroom breakout sessions, six product demonstrations, and an expo with about 30 home services corporate partners and vendors from Footprints Floors. Footprints Floors honored its flooring franchise partners with awards and unveiled the individuals who would make up its new Franchise Advisory Council as the week came to a close.

Also noteworthy was the founding of the initial Footprints Floors Franchise Advisory Council. The council comprises five flooring franchise owners who will speak for the whole network of owners for the franchise brand when it collaborates with our corporate team to create new ideas and bring about brand modifications.

The company is seeking to sustain the trend of growth it attained in 2022 and lean into even more strategic relationships as we enter our tenth year of franchising!

Franchise owners often prioritize their families because owning a home improvement franchise can be a demanding and time-consuming endeavor. However, many franchise systems recognize the importance of family support and strive to create a community where franchise owners can come together to share their experiences, support each other, and learn from one another. That’s why this conference was so important to us and we can’t wait for next year!

Why Footprints Floors Home Services Franchise is a Favorite Among Families

Owning a Footprints Floors flooring franchise can provide numerous benefits, including spending more quality time with your family. We’re a flooring installation company that offers a unique franchise opportunity to those interested in starting their own business. Here are a few ways that owning a Footprints Floors franchise can help you spend more time with your loved ones while also giving back to the community.

One of the main benefits of owning a Footprints Floors home services franchise is the flexibility it provides. As the owner of your own business, you can set your own schedule and work around your family’s needs. Work in the mornings, afternoons, or evenings, depending on what works best for you and your family. This flexibility allows you to attend important family events, such as school functions, sports games, and other activities, without worrying about missing work.

Another benefit of owning a home services franchise like this one is the ability to work from home. You can set up a home office and take care of administrative tasks, such as scheduling appointments, ordering supplies, and managing finances, without leaving your house. This allows you to be present for your family and care for their needs while running your flooring installation business.

We encourage franchise owners to hire family members to work in their businesses. This allows you to work alongside your loved ones and spend quality time with them while also growing your flooring business. Working together builds stronger relationships and creates a supportive work environment that fosters teamwork and collaboration.

Owning a Footprints Floors franchise allows you to build a legacy for your family. As a franchise owner, you can create a successful business that can be passed down to future generations. By making a solid brand and a loyal customer base, you can start a flooring business that your children and grandchildren can be proud of and continue to grow.

Our corporate team provides our franchise owners with a network of support and resources, including access to other franchise owners. This network provides opportunities to meet other business owners and form connections that can lead to new business opportunities and partnerships. By leveraging these connections, you can grow your business and spend more time with your family.

Owning a Footprints Floors flooring franchise can provide numerous benefits, including spending more quality time with your family. With a flexible schedule, the ability to work from home, the option to hire family members, and the opportunity to build a legacy, Footprints Floors provides a unique franchise opportunity to help you achieve personal and professional goals while maintaining a strong work-life balance.

Escape the Dregs of Corporate Life & Invest In Yourself

We have a proven franchise business model that has been successful in multiple markets. The flooring business has streamlined operations, developed effective marketing strategies, and built a strong franchise brand that resonates with customers.

Like we said before, 2022 was a year of enormous growth and we look to go even further this year. If you’d like to join us on this journey, visit our franchise page and let’s talk!

Combine flexibility with profitability.

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