Footprints Floors has officially come to the Twin Cities! Our hardwood flooring franchise is now almost SOLD OUT in the Minneapolis/St.Paul area, thanks to new Franchise Owners Emilie and Clint Christensen. After signing their franchise agreement this past October, the couple is already up and running with their first of two hardwood flooring franchise locations. 

Now’s your chance to meet two of the newest members of the faith-based Footprints Floors Franchise family and find out what inspired them to embark on their latest entrepreneurial adventure. Read on to learn more about Clint and Emilie!

Tell us a bit about your professional background… what were you doing before you discovered our hardwood flooring franchise opportunity?

Clint: We have both been business owners, both together and independently, for most of our professional careers. I’ve been a general contractor for over a decade and own a remodeling business, and was in home improvement sales prior to that. Emilie worked in education as a teacher then as a consultant, was a construction specialist for Wells Fargo, and together we own and manage rental property. 

Do you have any hobbies or interests? 

Emilie: We enjoy traveling together, spending time with our friends and family, and winding down at the end of the week on the porch with a glass of wine when the weather is nice, or inside by the fire when it’s not. We have a hobby farm with goats, sheep, chickens, rabbits, cats, and dogs. 

How did you first learn about Footprints Floors? 

Clint: We were looking for a change, and while investigating different business opportunities, we started actively searching for franchises. After learning about a few and being unimpressed, we found Footprints and immediately felt like this could be it. 

Emilie and Clint Christensen open a hardwood flooring franchiseWhat makes Footprints Floors the right fit for you? 

Clint: Coming from a construction background, a flooring franchise made a lot of sense. The more we learned, the more we realized that the ideals and values of Footprints aligned with our own, and that’s something that is really important to us.

What did you like about Footprints Floors’ business model?

Emilie: Because Clint really wanted to move away from general contracting, with all of the moving parts of different trades, permits, inspections, and sometimes really long project time-lines, the simplicity of focusing on just floors was incredibly appealing. 

What did you like about meeting the Founders of our hardwood flooring franchise?

Clint: It was great to meet [Footprints Floors Founder] Bryan [Park] and the rest of the team! They all showed a genuine interest in who we are, and it was helpful to hear their stories and personal backgrounds. Everyone seems dedicated to the company, to each other, and to the customer.

What did you like about the Footprints Floors Discovery Day? 

Emilie: Initially, Clint was scheduled to travel to Denver by himself for Discovery Day. But, due to some last minute health concerns, we switched to a virtual Discovery Day, which allowed both of us to participate. Getting to hear all about the history of the company, the business model, having specific questions answered, and getting to “see” everyone, really made our decision to move forward easy.  

Was there an “A-ha!” moment that made you want to invest in a hardwood flooring franchise with Footprints Floors?

Emilie: Clint started his business from the ground up, and doing that again just wasn’t appealing. All of the support- from the customer service representatives to the corporate team and other Franchise Owners- was what really made us realize this was the right fit.

What makes you want to own your own hardwood flooring franchise?

Clint: Having more control of our daily lives and our future, as well as being able to work together, have been some of the biggest reasons. 

What do you think will make your hardwood flooring franchise successful? 

Emilie: The success we hope for will be built on Clint’s experience in the industry, understanding the needs of customers, and a strong work ethic.

What sets Footprints Floors apart, in your eyes, from other franchise opportunities in the Service Industry?   

Clint: The support! We knew what other franchises were offering, and it was basically a name, a territory, and some training. We saw the huge benefit of what Footprints was offering in terms of marketing, scheduling, customer service, and overall support and it made all the difference for us. 

What has been the best part of your experience with the Footprints Floors’ corporate team so far?  

Emilie: They are all right there for us to talk to, ask questions, and help us along the way. 

What advice would you give to a potential hardwood flooring Franchise Owner? 

Clint: This isn’t for everyone, but if you’re willing to put in the time and energy, it could be a good fit!

Why did you choose the Service Industry over a different industry like the Restaurant Industry?  

Emilie: Once while we were driving, we passed a food truck for sale on the side of the road. Because we’re always looking for business opportunities,  Clint asked, “Hey…what if we bought a food truck?” I responded, “The only thing I know about food trucks is that I like to get food from them.” Neither of us has ever been particularly interested in the restaurant industry because it’s just not what we know. 

What do you look forward to most about owning your own Footprints Floors franchise?  

Clint: Knowing that we are joining forces with other owners, will have a solid support system, and a trusted name is really exciting. 


Clint and Emilie are already bringing the outstanding quality and unparalleled customer service that is synonymous with the Footprints Floors Christian Franchise name to homeowners across the Twin Cities area, and look forward to all that 2021 brings them in the way of new customers. We’re with them every step of the way for everything they need, and look forward to seeing their success as they forge ahead with their hardwood flooring franchise empire.

Is 2021 the year you finally say goodbye to the corporate grind and start living life on your own terms as a Footprints Floors hardwood flooring Franchise Owner? We’re nearly SOLD OUT in the Christensens’ hometown of Minneapolis/St. Paul, and are selling out fast in a number of other markets- now’s the time to look into the Footprints Floors opportunity and get in on the ground floor of something big! Visit our franchise website to learn more.

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