Tile Business
for Sale
Tile Business for Sale

If you’ve been searching for a tile business for sale, consider expanding your criteria. While tile is a formidable flooring material, a business focused on such a small niche doesn’t have as much chance of success as one that offers a wider range of services. An investment into Footprints Floors brings you a better chance of success.
We offer customers expert floor installation services for tile, hardwood, vinyl, laminate, carpet, and stone. In an effort to stand out from the competition, we threw out the industry model for flooring businesses and reinvented it to reflect a simpler, more cost efficient model. At Footprints Floors, we are focused solely on installation and repair. We leave it up to our customers to purchase their choice of material from their preferred vendor.
This gives them more freedom in material and more flexibility in pricing. By eliminating showroom and inventory costs, we are also able to offer our customers more affordable pricing for installation. While it is a change from the industry standard, we consider our business model to be a step above the rest.
Starting a Flooring Business Made Easy
Our unique business model does more than impress our customers. It makes starting a flooring business extremely easy! For investors, the elimination of showrooms and inventory means lower startup costs. With Footprints Floors, you could open your very own flooring franchise for just $68,130 and $95,580. That’s right, for under $100,000, you could open your very own business in the booming home improvement industry! Your investment will cover everything you need to get started, including training expenses, office supplies, computer software, technology, permits, and an exclusive Franchise Starter Pack. You’ll become part of the Footprints Floors team and have access to our industry knowledge and successful franchise model.
In order to ensure the continued success of our Franchise Owners, we offer a robust support program. When you invest into Footprints Floors, you’ll never be in business by yourself. You can rely on the corporate team for support with customer care, marketing, training, financing, and ongoing assistance. Who said starting a flooring business had to be hard?
More Than a Tile Business for Sale
At Footprints Floors, we understand the importance of diversification. Each and every flooring material has its benefits, both structurally and aesthetically. Some homeowners are die-hard hardwood floor fans, where others never want anything harder than lush carpet underfoot.
Flooring is a great way for homeowners to express their creativity and we are proud to give them the opportunity to do so at a fair price. The subcontractors we partner with to complete our jobs are experienced with all flooring types in addition to baseboards, back-splashes, and counter services. At Footprints Floors, we excel at offering a full service experience for our customers.
When it comes to starting a flooring business or tile business for sale, Footprints Floors offers so much more. For success and support in a sustainable industry, consider an investment into our flooring franchise.